結果看到了一個好像可以停車的地下室,結果也沒標示如何上去到飯店把我們全家關在地下室許久,後來用爬牆的方式到了大廳,沒想到大廳的服務人員只有一位,而且動作很慢,英文聽不太懂有點溝通不良,花了很多時間才把我老婆小孩從地下停車場的閘門救出來.房間是還算乾淨床的軟硬適中,不過,電視竟然不能看.到艾菲爾鐵塔要25分鐘左右的車程,晚上回來所有出入口都被關閉進不去,要按電鈴跟大廳溝通後進去,結果一樓的停車位也沒了,停車位實在有夠少.早餐很弱不吃也罷.一個法國麵包,一個可頌,一碗牛奶,可以拿果汁,要再多拿麵包就不行了.雖然早上的大廳小姐很親切,不過 這間飯店絕對不會再去了.
It not so easy to recognize there is a hotel and not so much part for parking,We found a basement for parking of customer but it no more sign to show us how to go to the reception and we has been close in basement long time, finally, I had climb over wall to inform the reception service to open the gate for us but I spend so much time to explain to him becoz we have conversation issue... seem don't what i said, there is so far to go the Eiffel tower almost 25 min ,if you would like back too late the hotel's gate were close and you are not easy to found how to go inside. Finally, you don't need to waste money for breakfast , that suck....so. anyway , I never ever live this hotel again.