True, the B&B or “Inn” qwhatever experience had been absent in our lives for a number of years I frankly don’t recall how many, maybe 8? So I, I don’t know @ her but I felt biased in favor of the “small is beautiful “ concept and Agnes delivered on that. Specially on her carefully curated, meaning her own hens frittata. But, hold on, hold on hadn’t we had five weeks before a similar “small is beautiful, kind of experience - breakfast on your own- in Alicante? So the Q boils down to which breakfast was better, the host’s or yours truly on the other side of the Stlantic, actually the Mediterranean? Bottom line, interacting with the owner, on the Fem side, less so on the M side drove me to add Poland to my next E. Afri-Cyprus-Mattel to Ost Europe vacation. Krakow b&b or served apartment anyone? Tips welcome