*Important* This hotel, unlike other hotel in the cities, do not have private bathroom (not even a bathtub) in your own room, meaning if you go with your family, all of you family members have to take turn to visit the public onseng bath center.
The room is small. It makes you sleep on the floor Japanese style but the living room can barely fit in the people we booked for (3 ppl for a 3-pax room in my case). The room has very limited amenities, and for example the soap provided was limited and the water runs extremely slow over the small basin in the room.
In addition, we were on a driving trip and that the private car park was always full, meaning we had to park at a secondary car park which is further away (and more inconvenient if you have luggage).
The hotel is close to the city center and is right next to "Shinkyu", that's prolly the only perks I can think of.