奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋

3.5 星級住宿

Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals



奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋相片集

32 吋平面電視連精選電視頻道、電視、壁爐
克拉馬斯瀑布的奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋住宿體驗優越,你可在 18 洞高爾夫球場暢快揮桿。你可到訪 SPA,享受深層組織按摩、體膜護理或面部療程服務;而The Ruddy Duck有供應美國菜,並於早餐、午餐及晚餐時段營業。此住宿附設室內泳池及酒吧/酒廊,房內另有洗衣機/乾衣機及雪櫃等便利設施。


8.8 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 健身室
  • SPA
  • 酒吧
  • 24 小時櫃台
  • 洗衣設施
  • 泳池

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 高爾夫球場
  • 餐廳及酒吧/酒廊
  • 全方位 SPA
  • 室內泳池
  • 健身中心
  • 桑拿
  • 兒童泳池
  • 熱水浴缸
  • 商務中心
  • 會議室
  • 露台
  • 24 小時接待處

合家歡 (6)

  • 兒童免費入住
  • 兒童泳池
  • 店內遊樂場
  • 廚房
  • 兩個浴室
  • 獨立飯廳



Mod logo


5500 Running Y Road, Klamath Falls, OR, 97601


  • Running Y Ranch Golf Course - 1 分鐘路程 - 0.1 公里
  • Favell 西方美術館和印第安文物 - 15 分鐘車程 - 13.0 公里
  • 俄勒岡理工學院 - 住宿校區 - 16 分鐘車程 - 13.6 公里
  • Epicenter - 18 分鐘車程 - 19.2 公里
  • 克拉馬斯瀑布滑板公園 - 20 分鐘車程 - 17.4 公里


  • 克拉馬斯瀑布國際機場 (LMT) - 17 分鐘車程;18.7 公里/11.6 英里
  • 克拉馬斯瀑布站 - 16 分鐘車程;13.6 公里/8.4 英里


  • ‪The Falls Tap House - ‬15 分鐘車程
  • ‪Dagwoods - ‬14 分鐘車程
  • ‪McDonald's - ‬15 分鐘車程
  • ‪The Waffle Hut - ‬13 分鐘車程
  • ‪Burger King - ‬15 分鐘車程


奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋

克拉馬斯瀑布的奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋住宿體驗優越,你可在 18 洞高爾夫球場暢快揮桿。你可到訪 SPA,享受深層組織按摩、體膜護理或面部療程服務;而The Ruddy Duck有供應美國菜,並於早餐、午餐及晚餐時段營業。此住宿附設室內泳池及酒吧/酒廊,房內另有洗衣機/乾衣機及雪櫃等便利設施。





    • 6 間客房


    • 登記入住開始時間:16:00;登記入住結束時間:3:00
    • 最低登記入住年齡 - 18 歲
    • 退房時間為 11:00


    • 住宿前台職員將親自迎接旅客到埗
    • 此住宿於服務時段過後不辦理登記入住手續


    • 需以信用卡、扣帳卡或現金按金繳付雜費
    • 或須提供由政府發出且附有照片之身份證明文件
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 18 歲或以下與父母或監護人同房並使用現有床舖的兒童可免費入住
    • 未提供嬰兒床


    • 可攜帶寵物*
    • 歡迎輔助動物


    • 店內免費提供自助泊車服務


    • 禁煙住宿



  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 燒烤爐


  • 小童免費入住 (查看詳情)
  • 兒童泳池
  • 迷你高爾夫球
  • 遊樂場
  • 兒童餐


  • 網球
  • 健美操班
  • 瑜伽班
  • 籃球
  • 排球
  • 專業指導高爾夫球班
  • 迷你高爾夫
  • 行山/單車徑
  • 騎馬/租馬
  • 溜冰
  • 鄰近高爾夫球場
  • 附近越野單車活動
  • 附近可參加洞穴歷奇
  • 附近橡皮艇活動
  • 附近飛索活動


  • 商務中心
  • 會議室
  • 電腦工作站


  • 24 小時接待處
  • 洗衣設備
  • 高爾夫球車
  • 高爾夫球桿


  • 6 座樓
  • 自動櫃員機/銀行服務
  • 櫃台夾萬
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 大堂壁爐
  • 健身中心
  • 店內高爾夫球場
  • 店內高爾夫球練習場
  • 室內泳池
  • 電子遊戲室
  • 全方位 SPA
  • 高爾夫球專賣店
  • 熱水浴缸
  • 桑拿



  • 32 吋平面電視
  • 精選電視頻道


  • 恆溫空調
  • 咖啡機/沖茶器
  • 熨斗/熨衫板
  • 洗衣機/乾衣機


  • 提供床單


  • 壁爐
  • 獨特裝修,獨特設計
  • 獨立飯廳
  • 獨立客廳


  • 兩個浴室
  • 淋浴設備
  • 毛巾


  • 大型雪櫃/冰箱
  • 微波爐
  • 廚房
  • 爐具
  • 多士爐
  • 廚房用具/餐具/器皿
  • 洗碗機


  • 經外側走廊出入



住客可於此酒店的Sandhill Spa盡情享受全方位 SPA 服務。服務項目包括深層組織按摩、熱石按摩、運動按摩及面部療程。住宿提供各式護理療程,其中包括芳香療法及腳底按摩。

SPA 天天開放。14 歲以下兒童必須有成人陪同方可使用 SPA。


The Ruddy Duck - 這間餐廳面向高爾夫球場景,為你提供美國菜,並供應早餐、午餐及晚餐。住客可於酒吧享用飲品。餐廳供應兒童餐。



  • 休閒設施費:房價的 8 %
  • 休閒設施費包括:
    • 使用健身中心
    • 上網 (可能有限制)
    • 使用泳池


  • 輔助動物豁免收費
  • 可攜帶寵物但需額外收費 每間住宿 USD25

泳池、SPA 及健身室 (如適用)

  • 14 歲以下兒童必須有成人陪同方可使用 SPA


接受以下信用卡:Visa、Mastercard、American Express、Discover


Running Y Ranch Vacation Rentals
Running Y Ranch Vacation Rentals Hotel
Running Y Ranch Vacation Rentals Hotel Klamath Falls
Running Y Ranch Vacation Rentals Klamath Falls
Running Y Rentals
Running Y Vacation Rentals
Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals Hotel Klamath Falls
Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals Hotel
Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals Klamath Falls
Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals
Running Y Vacation Rentals
Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals Hotel
Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals Klamath Falls
Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals Hotel Klamath Falls


奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋是否設有泳池?


奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋是否允許寵物入住?

是的,寵物可入住。此住宿收取每間住宿 USD25的費用。輔助動物豁免收費。

奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋是否設有店內泊車位?


奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋的登記入住及退房時間為何?

登記入住開始時間:16:00;登記入住結束時間:3:00。退房時間為 11:00。

奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋店內與附近有什麼好玩?

你可享受騎馬及遠足等店內活動的樂趣,並在高爾夫球場練習揮桿。店內其他休閒康樂節目包括健身班、籃球及排球。你可享用 SPA 服務,於熱水浴缸中療癒五感。奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋亦備有室內泳池、桑拿、健身中心、電子遊戲室及花園。

奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋內或附近是否設有餐廳?

是的,The Ruddy Duck坐擁美國菜及高爾夫球場景。

奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋的客房是否配備廚房或迷你廚房,讓旅客自理餐膳?


奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋附近區域有何特色?

從奔跑 Y 牧場租賃度假屋出發,短短 1 分鐘步程即達Running Y Ranch Golf Course。

Running Y Ranch Vacation Home Rentals的評價















10/10 完美

Very peaceful and calm. Wooded area around the home is attractive and relaxing. They have everything you need!
Colin (2 晚家庭旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Celebrated thanksgiving. our child attends college here, no time to come home . So we brought thanksgiving feast. Comfortable relaxing!
Jeanette (4 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

4/10 一般

Surprise fees
Booking on hotels website did not state housekeeping fee collected by resort. In addition we were charged an additional resort fee that was higher than stated on website. Also, front desk clerk was unfriendly and unable to solve house issues.
Jason (2 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Just average
Everything seemed to be a little short of expectations but some if not most was due to staffing issues. Not quite the same place as pictured but adequate for features listed and needed. I believe the experience would be vastly different if the staffing levels were what the resort wants. Will probably try another visit in future but not go out of way to
Nathanael (2 晚行程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

This rental was amazing. My sons wanted to permanently move in. It was clean, well appointed, the kitchen was stocked with needed cook ware, and it was on a quiet side alcove. I would highly recommend these rentals
Tracy A (2 晚家庭旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Holly S (3 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

The unit that we rented was spacious and had new appliances. We liked the centralized check in and the ability to use the pool and gym. On the other hand, there were a number of issues that detracted from our enjoyment. Chief among these was sub-standard cleaning. Fortunately, the towels, bedding and kitchen articles were clean, but there was a pile of crumbs under the sofa cushions, our feet would turn black from dirt on the floor and the ceiling fans were covered in dust. The dirt persisted even after a cleaning crew was sent in to address the problems. In addition, the furniture was rudimentary, the decoration was sparse, and the overall construction seemed cheap (small bedrooms, fiberglass doors and vinyl floors in places). As bad as all of that sounds, we did not hate the place. The kitchen cabinets were nice, having new appliances was a plus and the front desk staff were friendly and supportive even if they couldn't get the room cleaned to our satisfaction. Overall, it seemed expensive for what we got, and it could have been a lot better than it was.
2 晚家庭旅程
Travelocity 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Excellent place to stay
4 晚家庭旅程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

3 晚行程
Orbitz 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Great location condos needs some work.
We love the area and all the activities of available. The staff was extremely helpful. The condo itself needs a lot of maintenance. For starters, the fire smoke alarm on the wall was disabled. Very dangerous. Had a great big ass barbecue that we are excited to use only to find that it only will heat one tiny little section of the grill. That toilet in the master bedroom continue to clog and when we picked up the plunger water and poop ran out of it which means that happened before and the cleaning service haven’t moved anything in the bathroom to clean… Disgusting. Cabinets were loose and they were random screws sticking out of some places. There is no bedding for people to sleep on the couch except for some blanket that look very dirty. The nooks and crannies need to be cleaned for instance next to the shower against the wall in the master bath. The outdoor space on the patio need to all be wiped down including the table and all the chairs.
Linda (6 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

The stay was good, check in was great. Check out was ok, until I looked at my bank account statement and seen an extra $104 charge. Called front desk and played phone tag, and when I finally got a hold of someone I was told it was a cleaning fee. When I booked with Hotels.com I was under the assumption it was prepaid in full. Very disappointed.
Tonia (3 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Wonderful for families!!
Annie (2 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

4/10 一般

It was quiet and allowed our large family Party to all stay together. Unfortunately, my parents found blood on their sheets and a nail decal down in the sheets, the bathrooms smelled like an outhouse, the downstairs toilet kept clogging even though the only thing that was attempting to be flushed was urine, and there were several dirt stains and sticky things scattered on the floors. There was also a coffee stain on the pillow shams upstairs and dog hair on the bed.
2 晚家庭旅程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

I enjoyed my stay at the running Y resort and I would definitely stay here again. It’s a beautiful area. We stayed in a vacation home rental and I was pleasantly surprised by how beautiful it was. It was rustic and clean and so nice to see 8 deer in the backyard in the morning. Enjoyed the birds and the cute little quail that I rarely see in the Bay Area in California. We used the pool and hot tub many times and it was a large pool and clean. There was a great fitness room too. Had a lovely breakfast that we picked up one day from the restaurant and had dinner one night in person. They did a great job with Covid and distancing. I love the location of this resort too as we drove to Crater Lake one day. And drove into the city of Klamath Falls and drove around the beautiful Oregon farmland other days. One of my favorite stops was Beckies Cafe after leaving Crater Lake and taking the long way back. I have nothing negative to say about this resort or the vacation home. It was a great value and wonderful time.
3 晚家庭旅程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Nice roomy house with beautiful deck and views. We were upgraded due to some confusion about traveling with our pet but they worked it out beautifully for us. The front desk was terrific! The house isn't overly stocked with kitchen stuff so if you need spices etc take with you. House could use some love and deep cleaning but overall really a good stay.
3 晚浪漫旅程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Not disappointed but expected more...
It was quiet relaxing weekend with the family. Just felt bad that kids didn’t get to do anything, not even ice skating, they were sold out through Wednesday. We left Monday.
Ailyn (2 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

3 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

ood fall stay.
The house we stayed if was great, right next to the golf pro shop. The weather was cool but sunny and a bit smoky. Bad year for fires. The carpet need to be stretched And was very limited in utensils and pots, it only had one small fry pan. The pool was great and as always the walks wonderful.
John (3 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

4/10 一般

2 晚友伴旅程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

par hunt
We were traveling to find an apartment for our child who is going to college. The property was very relaxing after long days searching. We really enjoyed sitting out on the lovely deck.
3 晚家庭旅程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

3 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Relaxing, peaceful vacation
We love the Running Y Ranch! The grounds are beautiful, the pool is incredible and the place has an amazing, relaxing vibe.
Jenneby (3 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

We really enjoyed the place. The villa we stayed in is in a quite place and close to the golf/mini golf facilities, though you need to drive (or walk 20 minutes) if you want to go to the pool/sports area. The house is big and full of comfort, clean and hosts easily 4 people. The resort is located approx 1h15m away from Crater Lake National park entrance. Very nice people at the lobby! Overall good value for money.
Manuel (4 晚家庭旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Could be cleaner but great stay.
The location was great and wonderfully peaceful. Our townhouse required a $95 cleaning fee so I expected that it would be clean when we arrived but it was lacking. The very high ceilings had cobwebs. There was an empty beverage container peeking out under a bed. Random items in the couch cushions. We had to remove the AC filter because it was so gross. The kids enjoyed the pool. The fishing pond was awesome. Overall we would stay there again but disappointed with the lack of cleanliness.
3 晚家庭旅程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Poor vacation rentals. Ok resort.
Our condo/townhouse rental unit was poorly maintained. Very limited condo supplies. Carpet was in such bad shape that it was a tripping hazard. No linens for sofa bed.
Chris (3 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價