Buffet Dining 'Akala The Park Front Hotel - 2 分鐘路程
Eggs 'n Things - 5 分鐘路程
酒店 Universal Port Vita
酒店 Universal Port Vita位置優越,5 分鐘路程即達環球影城日本及環球影城大阪。VITA DINING SOLIS GRATIA於早餐時段營業,正是大快朵頤的好地方!另外,只需短短車程,即達大阪京瓷巨蛋及道頓堀。旅客都很喜歡住宿的熱心員工及寬敞客房。住宿鄰近公共交通站點,距離環球影城站僅數步之遙,而櫻島站則在 10 分鐘路程外。
It’s worth to stay at hotel as the location is close to USJ and go to Shin-Osaka Shinkansen station just few stations.
The room is clean and tidy. I can sleep well during my stays.