阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店

5.0 星級住宿

Pousada Castelo de Alvito - Historic Hotel



阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店相片集

只要下榻阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店,你即可從露台飽覽遼麗景致。你可到訪 SPA,享受按摩服務;而Barao de Alvito有供應地區菜,並於 午餐及晚餐時段營業。此奢華酒店的特色設施還有室外泳池、酒吧/酒廊及露台。


8.4 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 提供相連客房
  • 酒吧
  • 可攜帶寵物
  • 泳池
  • SPA
  • 非吸煙

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日清潔服務
  • 餐廳及酒吧/酒廊
  • 全方位 SPA
  • 室外泳池
  • 頂樓露台
  • 客房送餐服務 (部分時段)
  • 商務中心
  • 會議室
  • 露台
  • 24 小時接待處
  • 花園
  • 大堂壁爐

感覺賓至如歸 (6)

  • 嬰兒床 (免費)
  • 店內遊樂場
  • 可提供相連客房
  • 私人浴室
  • 花園
  • 露台


正在顯示 3 種房型 (共 3 種)

Standard Golden Age (over 55 years)


  • 13 平方米
  • 山景
  • 可容納 2 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張標準雙人床及 2 張單人床



  • 13 平方米
  • 山景
  • 可容納 2 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張標準雙人床 / 2 張單人床



  • 28 平方米
  • 山景
  • 可容納 3 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張標準雙人床


Mod logo


Castelo de Alvito, Alvito, 7920-999


  • Adega da H. das Barras - 15 分鐘車程 - 12.6 公里
  • 維迪蓋拉合作酒莊 - 22 分鐘車程 - 21.7 公里
  • 埃武拉大學 - 37 分鐘車程 - 41.6 公里
  • 埃武拉大教堂 - 38 分鐘車程 - 41.2 公里
  • 阿爾克瓦大壩 - 56 分鐘車程 - 59.5 公里


  • 貝雅站 - 35 分鐘車程;37.5 公里/23.3 英里


  • ‪O Casão - ‬7 分鐘車程
  • ‪O Buraco da Zorra - ‬1 分鐘路程
  • ‪Restaurante O Francês - ‬4 分鐘路程
  • ‪Shaker Bar - ‬9 分鐘車程
  • ‪Snack-Bar O Navegador - ‬11 分鐘車程


阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店

只要下榻阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店,你即可從露台飽覽遼麗景致。你可到訪 SPA,享受按摩服務;而Barao de Alvito有供應地區菜,並於 午餐及晚餐時段營業。此奢華酒店的特色設施還有室外泳池、酒吧/酒廊及露台。





    • 20 間客房
    • 客房分佈於 3 個樓層


    • 登記入住時間由 14:00 開始
    • 退房時間為 12:00


    • 住宿前台職員將親自迎接旅客到埗


    • 需以信用卡、扣帳卡或現金按金繳付雜費
    • 或須提供由政府發出且附有照片之身份證明文件


    • 可攜帶寵物*
    • 歡迎輔助動物


    • 免費 Wi-Fi 服務 (公用地方)
    • 免費客房 Wi-Fi


    • 店內免費提供自助泊車服務
    • 店內泊車位有限


    • 禁煙住宿



  • 免費自助早餐
  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 客房送餐服務 (部分時段)


  • 遊樂場


  • 桌球或桌球枱
  • 附近有單車租借
  • 附近有行山/單車徑


  • 商務中心
  • 會議室
  • 會議場地 (2152 平方呎)


  • 24 小時接待處
  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅行團諮詢/購票服務
  • 洗衣設備
  • 大堂免費報章
  • 婚宴服務
  • 多語服務人員
  • 泳池躺椅


  • 1 座樓
  • 自動櫃員機/銀行服務
  • 櫃台夾萬
  • 頂樓露台
  • 花園
  • 大堂壁爐
  • 公共區域電視
  • 室外泳池
  • 全方位 SPA


  • 升降機



  • 有線電視頻道


  • 恆溫空調
  • 迷你吧


  • 遮光窗簾/窗簾
  • 免費嬰兒床
  • 摺床/加床 (收費)


  • 房內按摩服務
  • 獨特設計


  • 私人浴室
  • 浴缸
  • 坐浴桶
  • 風筒
  • 毛巾


  • 免費 Wi-Fi


  • 每日清潔服務
  • 房內夾萬
  • 可提供相連客房



住客可於此酒店的 SPA 盡情享受全方位服務。服務項目包括按摩。


Barao de Alvito - 這餐廳為你提供地區菜,並只供應午餐及晚餐。
店內餐廳 2 - 此美式酒吧只供應輕食。



  • 可提供摺床,但需額外支付每晚 EUR48
  • 旅客須預先聯絡此住宿預留嬰兒床及摺床


  • 輔助動物豁免收費
  • 可攜帶寵物但需額外收費 每隻寵物每晚 EUR25


接受以下信用卡:Visa、Mastercard、American Express、Diners Club
12 月 31 日的總房價已包括必須參加的除夕晚宴費用。


Pousada Alvito Castelo Alvito
Pousada Castelo Hotel Alvito Alvito
Pousada Castelo Alvito Historic Hotel
Pousada Castelo Alvito Historic
Pousada Castelo de Alvito Historic Hotel
Castelo Alvito Alvito
Pousada Castelo de Alvito Historic Hotel
Pousada Castelo de Alvito - Historic Hotel Hotel
Pousada Castelo de Alvito - Historic Hotel Alvito
Pousada Castelo de Alvito - Historic Hotel Hotel Alvito


我可否免費取消阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店的預訂,並獲發全額退款?

可以。阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店在我們網站上有提供可全額退款的房價計劃。如以可全額退款的房價訂房,你可因應住宿的取消預訂政策,最遲於登記入住前幾日取消預訂即可。有關具體條款及細則,請務必參閱此住宿的取消預訂政策。

阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店是否設有泳池?


阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店是否允許寵物入住?

是的,寵物可入住。此住宿收取每隻寵物每晚 EUR25的費用。輔助動物豁免收費。

阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店是否設有店內泊車位?


阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店的登記入住及退房時間為何?

你可於 14:00 開始登記入住。退房時間為 12:00。

阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店店內與附近有什麼好玩?

歡迎暢玩踩單車及遠足等附近活動。你可享用 SPA 服務,又或在室外泳池中暢泳一番。阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店亦備有SPA 服務及花園。

阿爾維托城堡望廈酒店 - 歷史酒店內或附近是否設有餐廳?

是的,Barao de Alvito坐擁地區菜。

Pousada Castelo de Alvito - Historic Hotel的評價











4/10 一般

Pousada MUITO mal mantida
É de lamentar a falta de manutenção desta Pousada. Conheço quase todas as pousadas de Portugal e esta estadia está no pior nível que já experimentei. Os funcionários foram simpatiquíssimos mas tudo o resto foi muito fraco. A Pousada necessita de manutenção sendo incrível como esta tem sido descurada a este nível. Existem multiplas lâmpadas fundidas nos espaços comuns (como é possível? ninguém vê?? Não substituem?? é para poupar electricidade??), a chegada ao quarto 207 é feita à noite praticamente às escuras pois o detector de movimentos só faz acender as luzes quando já se está à porta do quarto, tendo sido o corredor percorrido às escuras; e as necessidades de pintura são mais que muitas, havendo zonas que parecem uma manta de retalhos resultado de intervenções passadas nas paredes que não foram depois alvo de uma pintura uniforme. Nada aceitável para uma Pousada de Portugal !!! E o restaurante é caríssimo tendo em conta o que oferece (relação preço/qualidade). Havendo tanta e excelente oferta de restauração num raio de 20Km, não faz sentido jantar na Pousada. Nunca mais voltarei. Mas obrigado ao unico activo da Pousada, os colaboradores e a sua simpatia.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

15th century castle!
Wonderful 15th century castle. Room was charming. Staff warm and helpful.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Romantic and luxurious 15th century castle
As a wedding anniversary treat to ourselves we spent two nights in this pouseda in a superior room. And it was too with 15 foot ceilings and an area equivalent to our living room at home. The bathroom was great and the bed was comfortable. The breakfast buffet was amazingly diverse and dinner was wonderful. The wi-fi is free and works in the room and beside the pool. The staff was uniformly helpful and kind. Manuel, the front desk captain even took us on a tour of the hidden parts of the castle and of the well-planted grounds. There is a small village surrounding the castle which is fun to explore. The square just outside the walls has a kiosk where you can buy beer or wine or cognac and sit on a bench with the locals. Just don't make a mistake and go to the nice seeming restaurant across the street. Service was surly, the waiter would not let us share a starter and an entree (essential in Portugal as the portions are way too large) and the food was merely ok.
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

A delightfully peaceful and elegant hotel close to the village centre. Very relaxing with good facilities. It would make a good touring base for a couple of nights.
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Nous avons bcp aimé le petit village de alvito oú règne une grande quiétude. Nous avons séjourné deux jours dans la pusada : accueil très sympathique., les chambres sont petites mais les nôtres étaient en excellent état avec une jolie deco Seul regret : la piscine gagnerait à être mieux entretenue quitte à chasser les pigeons du coin!! C'est dommage
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Accueil parfait avec un verre de rosé sympathique. Chambre très confortable et bien décorée, dans une superbe bâtisse située dans un village très pittoresque. La piscine est la bienvenue ce jour d'août ! Salle de restaurant voutée magnifique, bonne cuisine et petit-déjeuner top. Petit critique amicale à notre hôte avec qui nous avons bavardé: la cour intérieure est un peu trop dépouillée et meublée de chaises de bistrot en alu qui dénotent un peu dans ce cadre ;-)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Repouso a dois
Fantástico para descansar. Espreguiçadeiras da piscina necessário substituir. Staff bastante simpático e solicito.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Stay in a real castle
The hotel is situated in a real castle, a very impressive building with a courtyard and a nice garden with an ok swimmingpool. The town is calm and quiet, but is a good place for day trips to Evora and other places in Alentejo. The receptionists and the waiters were all very polite and helpful. Lovely hotel.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

4/10 一般

Expected more
Pool needed attention. Outdoor furniture not up to standard. Needed cleaning, repair,painting. Some things needing replacement- tear in umbrellas etc. Garden needed attention- borders needed trimming, weeding, replanting- work was being done however, probably not best to cut rock etc. with all the dust blowing onto the guests at the pool!! Noisy and dusty! Yuck. Not many restaurants outside of the hotel that were open. Very few people ate dinner there .
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Dejligt hotel
Selve hotellet var rigtig dejligt, men der er absolut ikke noget for børn i området. Vi fandt en enkelt restaurant i byen, den var til gengæld også god. Ellers er man henvist til at spise i hotellets restaurant som i øvrigt er glimrende.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Castle Hotel
Have only wonderful things to say about the hotel and its incredible staff. They went above board to create a wonderful ambiance and provide spectacular service. The food at the hotel was truly incredible (don't forget to try the olive oil with dinner). The rooms are nice with high ceilings, but don't really have an old castle feel to them. The rest of the pousada is very authentic. Garden is lovely and the pool was chilly and refreshing. Had a great stay overall.
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

one of the older Pousadas
unfortunately you can't rely that all Pousadas have similar conditions (e.g. beds, TVs etc.) - this property is one of the older Pousadas: Tube TVs, Wifi only in Bar, very hard beds (no down feather cover sheet) and a bit worn bathroom make it easy to understand why you pay low rates here. You'll live in the castle - nice experience and everything is in good condition but somehow I'd expect more contunuity in Pestana's Pousadas de Portugal: modern TV, Wifi everywhere and beds which are worth to be called bed (here they are like beer benches)
Ebookers 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Excellent hotel and Staff service
It is very nice castle hotel including very good breakfast. All staff are very professional and helpful, especially Mr. Rui Corraleica and Ms. Carla Santos. No Internet service in the room and in the lobby and bar which have comfortable seat and environment. The town does not have any good café or restaurant but dinning in the hotel is very nice and not expensive.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

It is located in the middle of nowhere.
The Pousada has a large courtyard in the middle that must be very nice in the Summer. It has a swiming pool, and a large garden with fruit trees.The parking was on the street. The parking was on the street in front of the hotel.The man at the reception was very friendly and super helpful.The hotel inside was tight but beautiful and very clean. They asked us if we wanted to make reservations for dinner and that evenig we were the only two people at the restaurant. The food was not very good, and the portions small for the price. Breakfast was ok, but there were no eggs.They bring everything to your table, coffe and milk, orange juice, bread/butter, yogurt, cakes and pastries, two and a half thin slices of cheese, ham and salami per person. We do not eat sweets and and would prefer to make our own choices of items and quantities at a serving table. The hotel was nice and very clean, The service was great. Not happy with the location, the parking.or the food. This Pousada was about 40 km from Evora.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Excelente serviço, mas precisa de manutenção
Excelente localização. Boa recepção/serviço. Quartos agradaveis e asseados, mas com falta de manutenção. Bom serviço de cafetaria/restaurante mas desproporcionalmente caro.Ainda assim recomendaria.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

A genuine Castle!
A slightly frumpy castle hotel, but as usual at Pousadas', the most fantastic service! In a genuine castle in the middle of a very picturesque town, one does have the feeing of being somewhere special. Trying to be 'regional' as well as 'clubish and comfortable' is not easy, but the rooms are well done although ageing... Overall very worthwhile to stay here and amble around the winding streets if the town.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Fit for Kings and Queens.
One word describes our experience FANTASTIC. Cannot wait to go again, 5star service in every respect. Staff cannot do enough to help. Surrounding area beautiful lakes and forests magical.
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

We have stayed at Paradors on Spain and would suggest that the Pousada falls short of that standard. Staff very friendly and helpful. Room very pleasant but aircon ineffective. However when we mentioned it they provided a portable unit which did the job. They advertise free wiFi but you only get 30 minutes at a time and only in the public areas. Not a great deal to do in the area but OK a an overnight stop.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Litet och trångt rum, ex.vis var det 34 cm i passage mellan sängar och vägg. Kyligt - 16 grader i rummet. Wifi endast i baren och därtill ej kostandsfri. Skulle inte klassa hotellet med 5 stjärnor.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Pousada Alvito
Très bien situé dans un petit village plein de vie La population très chaleureuse Le personnel toujours près à vous renseigner et à vous faire plaisir J'ai occupé la suite 301, excellent
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Afslapning i fantastiske omgivelser
Man fornemmer roen så snart man træder ind af døren til denne pousada. Personalet er utroligt imødekommende og hjælpsomme. Vores værelse havde udsigt til den fineste have, hvor påfugle vandrer rundt. Der er en helt speciel stemning inde bag de tykke mure - man får lov til at føle sig som en prinsesse i disse omgivelser. Morgenmadsbuffeten er forrygende - der er bare alt og kvaliteten har lige fået et ryk opad i forhold til andre steder. Et ophold her, burde være alle forundt. Man kommer lynhurtigt helt ned i tempo - man skal bare huske at nyde roen og det bare at være der.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價