Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋

4.0 星級住宿

Bosque del Cabo Rain Forest Lodge

山區郊外小屋,設有 2 個室外泳池,鄰近路易斯國王瀑布


Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋相片集

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋正是希門尼斯港口行程的理想落腳點。你可享受按摩或腳底按摩服務,然後去店內咖啡店/咖啡室大快朵頤。此住宿的特色設施包括 2 個室外泳池、池畔酒吧及小食店。


10 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 機場接送
  • 酒吧
  • 泳池
  • 非吸煙
  • SPA
  • 洗衣設施

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日清潔服務
  • 鄰近海灘
  • 餐廳及酒吧/酒廊
  • 2 個室外泳池
  • 沙灘巾
  • 池畔酒吧
  • 池中酒吧
  • 咖啡店/咖啡室
  • SPA 服務
  • 按摩/療程室
  • 機場接駁車
  • 海灘接駁車

感覺賓至如歸 (6)

  • 摺床/加床 (收費)
  • 私人浴室
  • 私人泳池
  • 獨立起居區
  • 花園
  • 露台


正在顯示 1 種房型 (共 1 種)



  • 海洋景
  • 可容納 4 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張特大雙人床 / 2 張單人床


Mod logo


Cabo Matapalo, Peninsula de Osa, Puerto Jiménez, Puntarenas


  • 路易斯國王瀑布 - 14 分鐘路程 - 1.2 公里
  • 甜包海灘 - 10 分鐘車程 - 4.6 公里
  • 科爾科瓦多國家公園辦公室 - 28 分鐘車程 - 22.2 公里
  • 高佛達斯 - 29 分鐘車程 - 22.8 公里
  • 科爾科瓦多國立公園 - 31 分鐘車程 - 25.1 公里


  • 吉梅內茲港機場 (PJM) - 56 分鐘車程;21.2 公里/13.2 英里
  • 哥兒費多機場 (GLF) - 162 分鐘車程;121.8 公里/75.7 英里
  • 機場接駁車 (收費)
  • 海灘接駁車 (收費)


  • ‪Buena Esperanza - ‬10 分鐘車程


Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋正是希門尼斯港口行程的理想落腳點。你可享受按摩或腳底按摩服務,然後去店內咖啡店/咖啡室大快朵頤。此住宿的特色設施包括 2 個室外泳池、池畔酒吧及小食店。






    • 13 間客房


    • 登記入住開始時間:14:00;登記入住結束時間:22:00
    • 最低登記入住年齡 - 18 歲
    • 退房時間為 11:00


    • 此住宿提供機場接送服務 (或需另外收費),請於出發前透過預訂確認的聯絡資料通知住宿有關的抵達詳情
    • 櫃台每日服務時段為 7:00 - 22:00
    • 旅客須預先聯絡住宿,查詢登記入住指示;前台僅於指定時段有職員服務
    • 請於抵達住宿前至少 72 小時與住宿聯絡,以安排入住事宜,聯絡資料載於預訂確認
    • 如有疑問,可聯絡住宿查詢,聯絡資料請參閱預訂確認
    • 前往酒店需乘搭飛機到 Puerto Jimenez 機場。航班並不包含於房價內,並須預先安排。


    • 需以信用卡、扣帳卡或現金按金繳付雜費
    • 或須提供由政府發出且附有照片之身份證明文件
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 未提供嬰兒床


    • 不准寵物進入
    • 歡迎輔助動物


    • 按要求提供機場接駁車服務 (24 小時提供)*


    • 沙灘接駁車*


    • 禁煙住宿



  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 池畔酒吧
  • 池中酒吧
  • 咖啡室
  • 公共區域提供咖啡/茶
  • 私人用餐
  • 小食店


  • 兒童遊戲


  • 海灘接駁車 (收費)
  • 飛索
  • 釣魚
  • 在海灘附近
  • 附近有室外泳池
  • 附近有室內泳池
  • 附近生態遊活動
  • 附近有行山/單車徑
  • 附近越野單車活動
  • 附近可騎馬
  • 附近橡皮艇活動
  • 附近浮潛活動


  • 接待處服務 (限時)
  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅行團諮詢/購票服務
  • 乾洗/洗衣服務
  • 行李寄存
  • 海灘接駁車 (收費)
  • 沙灘巾
  • 泳池傘


  • 櫃台夾萬
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 圖書館
  • 2 個室外泳池
  • SPA 服務
  • 按摩/療程室
  • 接待廳


  • 無障礙旅遊路線
  • 無障礙接待處櫃台
  • 無障礙登記櫃台
  • 無障礙餐廳



  • 吊扇


  • 免費摺床/加床
  • 提供床單


  • 私人泳池
  • 房內按摩服務
  • 陽台或庭院
  • 獨特裝修,獨特設計
  • 獨立起居區


  • 私人浴室
  • 淋浴設備
  • 免費梳洗用品
  • 毛巾


  • 書桌


  • 每日清潔服務
  • 房內夾萬
  • 本地地圖



旅客可於住宿盡情享用 SPA 服務;店內設有按摩/療程室及露天護理區。服務項目包括按摩。住宿提供各式護理療程,其中包括腳底按摩。



  • 機場接送的收費為每位 USD40.00 (來回)
  • 提供海灘接駁車服務 (另外收費)


此住宿歡迎各種性取向及性別認同的旅客 (LGBTQ+ 友善)。
接受以下信用卡:Visa、Mastercard、American Express


Bosque Cabo Rain Forest Lodge Puerto Jimenez
Bosque Cabo Rain Forest Lodge
Bosque Cabo Rain Forest Puerto Jimenez
Bosque Cabo Rain Forest
Bosque Del Cabo Rain Forest
Bosque del Cabo Rain Forest Lodge Lodge
Bosque del Cabo Rain Forest Lodge Puerto Jiménez
Bosque del Cabo Rain Forest Lodge Lodge Puerto Jiménez


我可否免費取消Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋的預訂,並獲發全額退款?

可以。Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋在我們網站上有提供可全額退款的房價計劃。如以可全額退款的房價訂房,你可因應住宿的取消預訂政策,最遲於登記入住前幾日取消預訂即可。有關具體條款及細則,請務必參閱此住宿的取消預訂政策。

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋是否設有泳池?

是的,此住宿設有2 個室外泳池。

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋是否允許寵物入住?

很抱歉,恕不准攜帶寵物入住 (輔助動物除外)。

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋是否有提供機場接駁車服務?

是的,來回機場接駁車有提供服務。費用為每位來回 USD40.00。

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋的登記入住及退房時間為何?

登記入住開始時間:14:00;登記入住結束時間:22:00。退房時間為 11:00。

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋店內與附近有什麼好玩?

歡迎暢玩釣魚及飛索等店內活動。附近其他休閒康樂節目包括生態遊。你可在 2 個室外泳池中任選一個痛快暢泳,又或充分善用郊外小屋的其他設施/服務,當中包括私人泳池及SPA 服務等。Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋亦備有花園及附近室外泳池使用權。

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋內或附近是否設有餐廳?


Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋是否設有戶外私人空間?


Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋附近區域有何特色?

Bosque 德爾卡沃雨森林小屋位於海濱,短短 14 分鐘步程即達路易斯國王瀑布。

Bosque del Cabo Rain Forest Lodge的評價















10/10 完美

Sean (3 晚行程) 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

This place was everything we wanted it to be! Loved our time here so much!
Pam (5 晚浪漫旅程)
Orbitz 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Bosque del Cabo is a destination in itself. Overlooking the Pacific and Gulf on the Osa Peninsula it is beautifully maintained, wildlife are all around, trails are rugged and moderate, and the staff could not be more personal and helpful. Meals are delicious We had menu choices for breakfast and lunch; dinner was a communal buffet with many options. There are cookies out and cocktail appetizers. Our cabin was perfect-a thatched spacious casita with a large bathroom and lovely outdoor garden shower. All very private. The deck had lounge chairs, hammock, table and chairs and a breathtaking view of the ocean with birds swooping all day. The owner was just wonderful and on the property and the people we met were very interesting and good company. I highly recommend Bosque! We can’t say enough good things about it. Be aware, the road to the airport and beach is a very bumpy ride and the planes from San Jose are only 10-seaters.
Susan (4 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Highlights: - Close up photo opportunities with coatis, spider monkeys, iguanas and peccaries - Wide open and beautiful gardens to see hummingbirds, toucans, parrots and macaws - Delicious and plentiful food - Incredible staff who quickly make you feel part of the family - Wide range of walking trails from easy to tough – especially the Pacific Trail that leads to a secret waterfall hidden from the beach - At the junction of Golfo Dulce and the Pacific – so, opportunity to see pilot (and humpback) whales in season We stayed in Ylang cabina, perched 120m above the Golfo Dulce, on the edge of the jungle. Fabulous deck for watching the spider monkeys playing in the nearby tree. Spacious bedroom and lounge area. So lovely to be able to hear all the jungle noises during the night through the netted windows as this is an eco-resort run by micro-hydro and solar, so there’s no aircon (or fridge/hair-dryer) but enough power to run a ceiling fan and lights at night. What gives this resort its charm is the incredible ability of all the staff to immediately make you feel part of their family (special thanks to Glenda, Heylin, Mar and Felipe who all went the extra mile and are just charming). That and the many residents who’ve been coming back for years – who we got to know over Tico Sour cocktails at 6pm and the communal dinner (signalled at 7pm by a conch shell horn.
Jeremy (2 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Outstanding rainforest retreat
If you are planning a stay in this area this retreat is a must stay. Such a beautiful piece of land on the peninsula. All of the staff are beautiful human beings and made you feel part of their family. Great wildlife, amazing accommodation, outstanding food and great experiences. Stayed only for 3 nights, however met other guests who will bo doubt become friends for a lifetime. If you need any reason to stay, there were three groups staying at the property and have been here more than 3 times. A must visit in the area.
matthew (3 晚行程) 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Our family had a fantastic stay at Bosque. All the staff members were super-friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. The amount of diversity of wildlife right out our front door was incredible and an experience that we will never forget! I would also highly recommend taking advantage of the guided tours and excursions that are available as each one was unique and exceptional. But make sure to also leave some time to relax or just walk the trails and explore on your own. Highly recommend!
Alan (5 晚家庭旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

An absolute gem.
Such a special place in the middle of the jungle. Cabins are gorgeous, food is included and delicious, so much to do - riding on the beach, surfing, zip line, hiking, birding, night walks. With a nightly happy hour and literally the kindest staff around, a gem in the middle of the OSA.
Varina (3 晚行程) 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

This is a one of a kind property in a wonderfully secluded part of the world.
Stephanie (4 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

What a paradise! We spent three days (too short) in the Mariposa Bungalow. To sit on our deck, watching the Toucans, Coatis, monkeys and listening to the sounds of nature. How peaceful and serene. The bed was very comfortable, the bathroom clean (how the little critters know how to stay out is a mystery, as the shower is open-air. Pure bliss. One cannot always assume that meals at an Eco-Lodge to be 5 star, but they certainly are at Bosque del Cabo. The food was top notch and plentiful. The tuna steaks were better than those we have had in large US cities. Happy hour at the bar provided snacks, small bites and a great bar. The staff was overly friendly and helpful. We appreciate the maps to the surrounding trails, which were well marked and maintained. The pools were clean with plenty of shade umbrellas. We were happy to get internet in the library, restaurant area and pool/bar area. Please do not be hesitant with driving on the roads. We rented a Hyundai Tucson and we had no problems at all getting there. All creeks now have bridges. Yes, a 4WD is desirable due to a steep gravel road, but the roads were very drivable. Next year, we'll extend our stay! Thank you, Philip and team!
Pamela (3 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

A truly magical place in the rain forest!
Bosque del Cabo is tucked away in the breathtaking rain forest of the Osa Peninsula. If you are looking for just the right combination of luxury and the Costa Rican wildlife and eco experience, I can't recommend Bosque highly enough. Phil and Kim, the owners of this incredible resort, and the amazing staff provide an unrivaled experience that exceeds expectations. The service was absolutely amazing, warm, genuine, and friendly --- a distinct feature that made our stay unforgettable. Phil personally drove us to our next destination almost four hours away! Privacy and "having the whole place (or beach) to yourself" can be easily found in the many scenic trails sprawled around the 800+ acre property, as well as the beach and waterfall just a short walk down a picturesque cliff. We literally had miles of beach and tide pools to ourselves for the entire day we chose that activity! You will likely see more wildlife on the property than in many of the tours around Costa Rica, mainly because Phil and his team have conserved the area so well (and the lack of "tourist traffic.") We saw a variety of beautiful animals walking past our deck as we enjoyed the ocean views. The on-site biologist, Phillip (same name as owner) is a also a rare gem with his incredible knowledge of the wildlife and forest plants. Highly recommend going on a guided tour with him! We will be back for sure!
Michael (6 晚行程) 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

4 晚行程
Orbitz 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

2 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Beautiful location, very friendly owners and staff, thoroughly enjoyed our time as well as meeting new people also visiting the lodge. The wildlife was amazing, a great experience all round.
4 晚浪漫旅程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

The views we're spectacular. The animals, especially the monkeys, we're very entertaining. The grounds were lush and well maintained. The nature trails were great, especially the suspension bridge. The cabin was unique and well built. Loved the outside shower and the beds surrounded by airy white curtains. Even the view from inside the cabin was outstanding. The owners were great, as well as the other guests, who the owners arranged for us all to meet at Happy Hour. I loved that. My brother and I had been to CR before but this was really experiencing what it's all about.
2 晚家庭旅程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

I cannot recommend this place highly enough. Everything is fantastic and so easy to spot an abundance of wildlife.
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Sehr großzügige Anlage
Alles sehr schön aber für den horrenden Preis hätte man doch noch mehr erwartet. Deutliches Missverhältnis zwischen Preis und Leistung
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Beautiful location, wonderful service
This is one of the most special places I have ever visited. The location was just beautiful and going to sleep and waking up to the sounds of the Pacific (and monkeys playing in the trees outside the cabin!) was amazing. The food was fantastic and extremely plentiful - you definitely won't go hungry here! The staff were really friendly and helpful and seemed to genuinely love their jobs and spending time talking to guests (thanks especially to Paula). The only things I can fault are that 1.there were a lot of spiders and webs around e.g. suspended between pool umbrellas and above the hand towel in the toilet by the bar. I know this is the rainforest but sweeping those away would be harmless for the spiders and make for a more relaxing sunbathing experience! And 2. The sheets on our beds were very damp (almost wet). I assumed this just couldn't be helped because of the climate but we talked to other guests on our last day and they hadn't suffered that problem. I know if we'd mentioned it the beds would have been changed instantly but maybe something that housekeeping could check before guests move in if a cabin has been empty for a while as I'm guessing ours had (a few cobwebs around also). Thank you for a wonderful stay, I hope to come back some day. 真實旅客評價