Except the lobby, Facilities are old. don’t forget to bring your shampoo and teeth brush or you need to buy them in a convenient store next to the hotel because they are not provided. Local dinings are nearby. The price is good and suitable for short stay.
本人是在2/9晚上11點多check in,前面有一組客人也正在辦理入住手續,只見櫃檯服務人員(男士)表情略顯不耐.等輪到我時,仍是一臉不耐煩的態度.其餘服務人員還OK.
另入住的房間好像很久沒清掃了,有股霉味,水壼灰塵很重,浴室很舊,空調很冷,無法調整,且訂房時並沒告知check in 時要付RM$100押金,櫃檯人員也一副不想多作解釋樣,感覺很差