On the second morning we stayed there, we got on the elevator on the 3rd floor to ride up one floor to go to breakfast. When the door opened, we stepped inside and pushed the button for the 4th floor and as the doors closed my wife and I looked up and saw a service panel was opened and we both said responded, "oh, oh, that doesn't look good" and nervously chuckled. The elevator started to move then banged to a stop. We tried several buttons, but they did not work. We tried the alarm and there was a ringing that would stop when you released the button. We then tried the phone. Someone answered but as we started to say what happened an auto voice would override what we were trying to say and the call would end. We tried that several times with the same response. On our last try we actually got to speak to someone and she asked how we got on the elevator? I was a bit confused by the question and responded that we pushed the button to go up, the doors opened and we walked in! She then asked wasn't there any signs to alert us to not get on that elevator and we said no. She told us that elevator was being serviced, and they had it blocked on the lobby floor and that maintenance would be there to help shortly. I was frustrated with the tone of the call as I thought having the elevator door blocked in the lobby certainly doesn't alert guests on the upper floors! Fortunately, the maintenance crew got the doors opened in about 10 minutes Our nerves settled down at breakfast!