索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾

4.0 星級住宿

Sol De Goa by Sereno

精品酒店,設有 2 個室外泳池,鄰近康多里姆海灘


索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾相片集

室內泳池、2 個室外泳池
32 吋LCD 電視連數碼電視頻道、電視、DVD 播放機
索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾位置優越,駕車 10 分鐘即達康多里姆海灘及戴爾田皇家賭場。你可任選 2 個室外泳池之一,暢快玩水,然後到訪店內餐廳大快朵頤,又或去酒吧/酒廊小酌一杯。此精品酒店的特色設施還有室內泳池、池畔酒吧及季節性室外泳池。


8.6 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 機場接送
  • 酒吧
  • 提供相連客房
  • 非吸煙
  • 泳池
  • 24 小時櫃台

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日清潔服務
  • 鄰近海灘
  • 餐廳及酒吧/酒廊
  • 2 個室外泳池及室內泳池
  • 可供應早餐
  • 季節性室外泳池
  • 池畔酒吧
  • 客房送餐服務 (部分時段)
  • 機場接駁車
  • 火車站至酒店接駁車
  • 豪華轎車服務
  • 露台

感覺賓至如歸 (6)

  • 嬰兒床 (收費)
  • 可提供相連客房
  • 私人浴室
  • 獨立起居區
  • 精選電視頻道
  • 花園


正在顯示 3 種房型 (共 3 種)

頂級套房, 1 張加大雙人床, 庭園景


陽台或庭院 (附家具)
LCD 電視
  • 53 平方米
  • 可容納 3 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張加大雙人床

基本套房, 河景


陽台或庭院 (附家具)
LCD 電視
  • 44 平方米
  • 河景
  • 可容納 3 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張加大雙人床

豪華客房, 1 張加大雙人床


陽台或庭院 (附家具)
LCD 電視
  • 30 平方米
  • 可容納 4 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張加大雙人床


Mod logo


Bhatiwado, Nerul, Bardez, Nerul, Goa, 403515


  • 阿瓜達堡壘 - 5 分鐘車程 - 3.7 公里
  • 康多里姆海灘 - 7 分鐘車程 - 2.6 公里
  • 新瓜利母海灘 - 10 分鐘車程 - 3.7 公里
  • 卡蘭加特海灘 - 18 分鐘車程 - 5.0 公里
  • 巴加海灘 - 20 分鐘車程 - 6.9 公里


  • 達波里姆機場 (GOI) - 53 分鐘車程;33 公里/20.5 英里
  • 新果阿國際機場 (GOX), 果阿 - 56 分鐘車程;33 公里/20.5 英里
  • 佩爾內姆站 - 30 分鐘車程;27.6 公里/17.2 英里
  • 坎索里姆站 - 32 分鐘車程;32.4 公里/20.1 英里
  • 坎索里姆韋爾納站 - 33 分鐘車程;32.1 公里/19.9 英里
  • 機場接駁車 (收費)
  • 火車站至酒店接駁車 (收費)


  • ‪Curry House - ‬2 分鐘車程
  • ‪Mikey's Place - ‬2 分鐘車程
  • ‪The Palms - ‬2 分鐘車程
  • ‪Santa Lucia - ‬2 分鐘車程
  • ‪Burger Factory - ‬1 分鐘路程


索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾

索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾位置優越,駕車 10 分鐘即達康多里姆海灘及戴爾田皇家賭場。你可任選 2 個室外泳池之一,暢快玩水,然後到訪店內餐廳大快朵頤,又或去酒吧/酒廊小酌一杯。此精品酒店的特色設施還有室內泳池、池畔酒吧及季節性室外泳池。





    • 21 間客房
    • 客房分佈於 2 個樓層


    • 登記入住開始時間:14:00;登記入住結束時間:0:00
    • 延遲登記入住 (視乎供應情況而定)
    • 最低登記入住年齡 - 18 歲
    • 退房時間為 11:00


    • 住宿前台職員將親自迎接旅客到埗
    • 如要在此住宿登記,印度公民必須出示由印度政府簽發、且附有相片的有效身分證;非印度公民旅客則須出示有效的護照及簽證。


    • 需以信用卡、扣帳卡或現金按金繳付雜費
    • 或須提供由政府發出且附有照片之身份證明文件
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 不可攜帶寵物或輔助動物


    • 免費 Wi-Fi 服務 (公用地方)
    • 免費客房 Wi-Fi


    • 店內泊車位僅按要求提供
    • 店內設有免費安全停車場及露天停車場,提供自助泊車服務
    • 店內設有輪椅通行的車位


    • 按要求提供機場接駁車服務 (24 小時提供)*
    • 火車站至酒店接駁車 (收費)


    • 禁煙住宿



  • 每日 7:30–11:00 供應自助早餐 (收費)
  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 池畔酒吧
  • 客房送餐服務 (部分時段)


  • 購物
  • 在海灘附近
  • 附近滑翔傘活動
  • 附近潛水活動


  • 會議室


  • 24 小時接待處
  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅行團諮詢/購票服務
  • 豪華轎車服務
  • 乾洗/洗衣服務
  • 大堂免費報章
  • 行李寄存
  • 婚宴服務
  • 服務員


  • 1 座樓
  • 落成年份 2010
  • 櫃台夾萬
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 2 個室外泳池
  • 室內泳池


  • 無障礙泊車設施
  • 無障礙公廁
  • 無障礙接待處櫃台
  • 無障礙登記櫃台
  • 無障礙健身中心
  • 無障礙休閒廊



  • DVD 播放機
  • 32 吋LCD 電視
  • 精選數碼頻道


  • 空調
  • 吊扇
  • 迷你吧
  • 咖啡機/沖茶器
  • 電熱水壺
  • 浴袍及拖鞋
  • 熨斗/熨衫板 (按要求提供)


  • 遮光窗簾/窗簾
  • 隔音客房
  • 開床服務
  • 高級寢具
  • 記憶棉床墊
  • 嬰兒床 (收費)
  • 摺床/加床 (收費)


  • 陽台或庭院連傢具
  • 獨特設計
  • 獨立起居區


  • 私人浴室
  • 雨淋花灑
  • 淋浴設備
  • 免費梳洗用品
  • 毛巾


  • 書桌
  • 免費報章
  • 免費 Wi-Fi
  • 電話


  • 免費樽裝水


  • 每日清潔服務
  • 房內夾萬
  • 可提供相連客房



  • 自助早餐需額外收費,成人約為 INR500,小童約為 INR350
  • 機場接送的收費為每輛車 INR1700 (單程)
  • 提供火車站至酒店接駁車服務 (另外收費)


  • 可提供搖籃/嬰兒床,收費為每次入住 INR2000.0
  • 可提供摺床,但需額外支付每次入住 INR2000.0


  • 旅客須預先聯絡此住宿預留店內車位

泳池、SPA 及健身室 (如適用)

  • 季節性泳池於 1 月至 12 月開放


入住時使用的信用卡 (以備雜費之用) 之持卡人姓名,必須是主要訂房人。
住宿登記編號 HOTN001927


Sofala Hotel Nerul
Sofala Nerul
Sol Goa Hotel
Sol Goa
Sol De Goa
Sol De Goa by Sereno Hotel
Sol De Goa by Sereno Nerul
Sol De Goa by Sereno Hotel Nerul


我可否免費取消索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾的預訂,並獲發全額退款?

可以。索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾在我們網站上有提供可全額退款的房價計劃。如以可全額退款的房價訂房,你可因應住宿的取消預訂政策,最遲於登記入住前幾日取消預訂即可。有關具體條款及細則,請務必參閱此住宿的取消預訂政策。

索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾是否設有泳池?

是的,此住宿設有2 個室外泳池及室內泳池。

索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾是否允許寵物入住?


索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾是否設有店內泊車位?


索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾是否有提供機場接駁車服務?

是的,來回機場接駁車有提供服務。費用為每輛車單程 INR1700。

索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾的登記入住及退房時間為何?

登記入住開始時間:14:00;登記入住結束時間:0:00。退房時間為 11:00。

索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾是否附設娛樂場?

否,此酒店不設娛樂場,但皇家賭場 (5 分鐘車程外) 及Casino Palms (6 分鐘車程外) 就在附近。

索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾店內與附近有什麼好玩?

歡迎暢玩滑翔傘、潛水及滑水等附近活動。你可在 2 個室外泳池中任選一個痛快暢泳,又或充分善用酒店的其他設施/服務,當中包括室內泳池及花園等。

索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾內或附近是否設有餐廳?


索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾是否設有戶外私人空間?


索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾附近區域有何特色?

從索爾果阿酒店 - 塞雷諾出發,短短 20 分鐘步程即達Calizz。

Sol De Goa by Sereno的評價











8/10 很好

Was good and peaceful stay.
1 晚行程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

2/10 欠佳

Garbage hotel , even worse food
Old run down hotel with dirty pool , found toothpicks in my food where I almost choked . Hotels.com didn’t compensate me for this horrible experience, neither did the hotel . Spend your hard earned money somewhere else
AKASH (2 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Little heaven down a dirt track
We were very surprised at the welcome we recieived It is a lovely hotel and was upgraded to a suite staff are absolutely wonderful well tried by the new french owners who have only required property 4mounths ago They have work going on on which we were told about but did not interrupt our stay Food was superb and well presented Would highly recomend
Christine (3 晚友伴旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Klein und fein
Eine richtige Perle im Grünen mit zwei wunderschöne Pools und freundliche, hilfsbereite Mitarbeiter: wir waren herzlich empfangen und persönlich betreut. Das Hotel ist seit kurzem unter neuen Management und - obwohl es jetzt schon traumhaft ist - erstrahlt demnächst in neuem Glanz.
2 晚浪漫旅程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

A great getaway
The property is super a bit tired, but the staff make an effort. It’s a good getaway . The food was good.
4 晚浪漫旅程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Amazing goo for walking Good beaches Best food in the world
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Great stay
Very big and beautiful room, well decorate and clean. Good food and friendly staff. Highly recommended
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Très bien
Très bon Hotel, avec deux piscines. Très agréable pour se détendre, en revanche il y a très peu de choses à voir autour... La carte du restaurant est très bien, quoi qu un peu cher. Les chambres sont très grandes et la literie très agréable.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Sol De Goa, Soul of Goa...
Where should I start from... It was our first time at Sol De Goa and quite memorable. WHAT YOU HEAR OR READ IS WHAT YOU WILL GET... Acc & Service: This is a Hotel designed with inspiration from colonial architecture, you can see and feel that is everything from the Facade, entrance, the pools, restaurants, rooms... Experience is superior. Amazing staff, I have to say that all the staff were in sync when it comes to servicing customers. Will help you in every possible way they can and are always ready to go that extra mile... Location: Its quite conveniently located just before Candolim, distance just right for you to flirt with North Goa yet have your quite time when you want to retire for the night. Very well connected through the main roads... One can reach places like Baga in about 10 - 15 mins tops. I would not call this a Hotel. It is now a home away from home. I am going back for sure...
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Great stay, value for money!
Wonderful hotel and excellent staff .. A 24 hour kitchen, Bar and a batter wifi will make this hotel complete
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Goa Retreat
Sol De Goa is a lovely hotel, we wanted a peaceful retreat and the hotel is set about 10 minutes from the beach by car so there wasn't the hustle and bustle of the roads near the main hub. The room was clean although having seen some of the other rooms in the hotel I think ours was one of the remaining ones to be refurbished as it was quite dark and some of the fixtures were wearing now quite badly but it was clean and the sheets were changed every day. The staff themselves were lovely, very welcoming and keen to help and the breakfast was freshly cooked every morning. The only downside we experienced was other hotel guests being very noisy into the early hours and we had hoped to join the hotel party one night after an invite had been posted through the door but we weren't made to feel very welcome upon entering so we left fairly disappointed. I would definitely return to stay at Sol, overall it was a lovely stay but I would recommend asking for one of the newly refurbed rooms and organise your own driver rather than relying on the hotel for all journeys as they do tend to be a lot more expensive. Wifi was very poor but this seemed to be the case anywhere we went in Goa.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Stay at costa del sol
This has the potential to be a nice boutique hotel bit out if the way if u don't have transport we was disturbed in the night 1am by a member of staff coming in to our room very scary apparently checking someone in!!!!!!!! Wrong room The service for breakfast was not good food obviously not freshly cooked,tea barely warm and coffee!!!!! Shame because good price but needs good shake up The room was excellent, no lift on 2nd floor. Location about ten minutes drive from Candolim
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

A great value hotel
This is a nice little boutique hotel just on the outskirts of Candolim which is great value for money. The rooms are clean and comfortable. Staff are attentive and helpful - just need to work through the language barrier. There's a great pool which is really refreshing. There's an inner courtyard which makes the place feel like a medina. The breakfast is also great. This place is a well kept secret as most of the guest were Indian - I'd say always do what the locals do! In the evenings the restaurant isn't busy, so follow crowds to Candolim or my favorite Baga where you'll get the best fish tikka imaginable!
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Call before u book
Booked for my honeymoon. Was planning to book for 3 days. But, due to hotel amenities not working had to leave the hotel in a day. There are 2 pools 1st in centre of the hotel close to room #4 where I stayed, and 2nd is behind dinning area. You can see water in pool waiting for you to jump in as it is not mentioned anywhere that the pool is not working. Once you ask within few minutes they put a yellow board of pool under maintenance. Not gonna book next time without confirming about pools.. Travelers and couples dnt be disappointed, screwed by hotel looks, structure, rooms. Confirm before you book. Gonna review over tripadvisor and few more where I read reviews about the hotel and made the mistake of booking.. Gonna let users know what hotel it is.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Nice hotel but needs a bit of work
Good location although 30 minute walk from the main area but that meant it was relatively quiet. Hotel was nice but needed quite a lot of maintenance - water leak in the room from the ceiling and marks on the ceiling where there had been others. Room didn't feel luxury as described. To be fair the maintence was being done in the hallways whilst we were there. Breakfast was slow with loads of staff but no- one not really knowing what was going on - so getting a breakfast was uncertain although some days we got two! In the end you just have to go with flow. Food was okay though. Staff on reception were helpful in sorting out taxis.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

The hotel was dirty and looking a little tired. It needs redecorating and the service at breakfast was very poor
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Peaceful holiday
Beautiful rooms- we chose the King's Abode and it has a lovely view of green fields and tge river. The location is great, quiet and yet not far from the action. Hotel food was good and some of the staff were warm and friendly while a few were indifferent. I'd certainly go back though.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Excellent hotel, friendly staff, comfortable stay, easy access to the city, great food.
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Nice small hotel off the beaten track
Overall a very compfortable stay. The hotel is nice and has the facilities you expect. The reception staff, housekeeping staff etc are very helpfull and service minded. The restaurant makes good italian food but the service is lacking. Orders get forgotten, long wait for a simple cup of coffee at breakfast etc. Location is nice and secluded so if you have transport its fine (as you will need a car to go anywhere)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Pleasent stay
this hotel is located in peacefull location and enjoyed my stay for 3 nights. Brake fast is served pool side with lushy green fields and mountains in the backdrop. It got 2 pools (4ft deep) and to say perfect for romantic swim. Cozy bed
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Hotels.com 真實旅客評價