
Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana




此服務式住宅位置優越,距離卡納帕利海灘及納皮里海灘僅 10 分鐘車程。你可先去室外泳池暢快玩水,然後享受按摩服務。住宿還有健身設施、花園及私人泳池等設施與服務。旅客無不對住宿的整體狀況讚不絕口。


7.8 分,滿分 10 分,


1 間睡房1 個浴室可容納 2 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)


  • SPA
  • 洗衣設施
  • 提供車位
  • 健身室
  • 空調
  • 雪櫃

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日清潔服務
  • 位處海灘
  • 室外泳池
  • 健身中心
  • 海灘躺椅
  • 沙灘巾
  • 自助泊車
  • SPA 服務
  • 空調
  • 花園
  • 自動櫃員機/銀行服務
  • 販賣機

感覺賓至如歸 (6)

  • 摺床/加床
  • 廚房
  • 私人浴室
  • 私人泳池
  • 花園
  • 陽台連傢具


高級開放式客房, 私人浴室, 海景


陽台 (附家具)
  • 41 平方米
  • 1 間睡房
  • 1 個浴室
  • 可容納 2 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)


Mod logo


4365 Lower Honoapiilani Road, Lahaina, HI, 96761


  • Kahana Beach - 6 分鐘路程 - 0.6 公里
  • 納皮里海灘 - 4 分鐘車程 - 3.7 公里
  • 捕鯨人村購物中心 - 7 分鐘車程 - 6.5 公里
  • 卡納帕利海灘 - 9 分鐘車程 - 6.8 公里
  • 黑岩 - 10 分鐘車程 - 7.1 公里


  • 西茂宜機場 (JHM) - 3 分鐘車程;1.8 公里/1.1 英里
  • 拉奈機場 (LNY) - 34.7 公里/21.5 英里
  • 卡勞帕帕機場 (LUP) - 40.5 公里/25.2 英里
  • 摩洛凱機場 (MKK) - 47.6 公里/29.6 英里
  • 卡胡魯伊機場 (OGG) - 48 分鐘車程;49.9 公里/31 英里


  • ‪Duke's Beach House Maui - ‬5 分鐘車程
  • ‪McDonald's - ‬3 分鐘路程
  • ‪Honolua Store - ‬5 分鐘車程
  • ‪Pizza Paradiso - ‬4 分鐘車程
  • ‪Slappy Cakes - ‬4 分鐘車程



此服務式住宅位置優越,距離卡納帕利海灘及納皮里海灘僅 10 分鐘車程。你可先去室外泳池暢快玩水,然後享受按摩服務。住宿還有健身設施、花園及私人泳池等設施與服務。旅客無不對住宿的整體狀況讚不絕口。





    • 客房分佈於 12 個樓層


    • 登記入住開始時間:16:00;登記入住結束時間:任何時間
    • 零接觸入住服務
    • 特快登記入住/退房
    • 提早登記入住 (視乎供應情況而定)
    • 最低登記入住年齡 - 25 歲
    • 退房時間為 10:00
    • 零接觸退房服務
    • 延遲退房 (視乎供應情況而定)


    • 此住宿不設櫃台
    • 旅客將於抵達前 2 星期收到內含特別登記入住指示及取匙資料的電郵;旅客可透過私人入口進出住宿
    • 請於抵達住宿前至少 72 小時與住宿聯絡,以安排入住事宜,聯絡資料載於預訂確認
    • 抵達前需透過安全連結完成網上登記
    • 如有疑問,可聯絡住宿查詢,聯絡資料請參閱預訂確認
    • 旅客將於抵達前收到內附特別入住指示及損失/損毀表格的電郵。旅客需填妥有關表格,作為預訂程序的一部份。


    • 需以信用卡繳付雜費
    • 或須提供由政府發出且附有照片之身份證明文件
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 25 歲


    • 不准寵物進入


    • 免費 Wi-Fi 服務 (公用地方)
    • 免費客房 Wi-Fi


    • 店內設有有蓋停車場,提供自助泊車服務 (每晚 USD18;可優先駛入/駛出)
    • 店內設有輪椅通行的車位


    • 指定吸煙區 (設有罰款)



  • 在海灘
  • 沙灘巾
  • 海灘躺椅


  • 私人泳池
  • 室外泳池
  • 躺椅
  • 按摩
  • SPA 服務


  • 免費 Wi-Fi


  • 店內有蓋停車場設有自助泊車服務 (每晚 USD18;可優先進出)
  • 店內設有輪椅通行的車位


  • 大型雪櫃/冰箱
  • 爐具
  • 微波爐
  • 焗爐
  • 多士爐
  • 廚房中島
  • 咖啡機/沖茶器
  • 廚房用具/餐具/器皿


  • 1 間睡房
  • 高級寢具
  • 提供床單
  • 特厚豪華床墊
  • 埃及棉床單
  • 摺床/加床:每晚 USD50.0


  • 1 個浴室
  • 淋浴設備
  • 番梘
  • 洗頭水
  • 風筒
  • 毛巾


  • 附有線服務的智能電視
  • 乒乓球設施
  • DVD 播放機


  • 陽台連傢具
  • 燒烤爐
  • 花園
  • 野餐區
  • 戶外傢具
  • 通往水域的步道


  • 乾衣機
  • 洗衣設備


  • 1 間會議室
  • 會議場地


  • 空調
  • 吊扇


  • 不可攜帶寵物


  • 如需特定無障礙設施,請參閱預訂確認內的資料與住宿聯絡。
  • 升降機
  • 入口通道無樓梯
  • 入口通道光線充足
  • 方便輪椅出入 (設有限制)
  • 無障礙泊車設施
  • 直達升降機的無障礙通道
  • 無障礙泳池
  • 指定吸煙區 (設有罰款)


  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅行團諮詢/購票服務
  • 客房清潔服務 (每日)
  • 多語服務人員
  • 紗窗
  • 旅遊指南/推介
  • 熨斗/熨衫板
  • 電話
  • 行李寄存
  • 房內按摩服務


  • 健身中心
  • 店內提供浮潛
  • 附近可玩帆船
  • 附近可攀山
  • 附近可狩獵
  • 附近可玩滑翔傘
  • 附近可玩滑浪風帆
  • 附近可潛水
  • 附近可騎馬
  • 附近可參加生態遊
  • 附近可騎越野單車


  • 並無關於一氧化碳探測器的資料 (屋主未有說明住宿是否設置一氧化碳探測器。請考慮自備攜帶式探測器)
  • 有安裝煙霧探測器 (屋主表示住宿設有煙霧探測器)
  • 滅火筒


  • 12 層
  • 1 座樓
  • 資源回收
  • 可重用咖啡/茶濾網



旅客可於住宿盡情享用 SPA 服務。服務項目包括按摩。



  • 清潔費:USD200 每間住宿, 每次入住


  • 可安排提早入住,但需額外支付 USD50.00 (視乎供應情況而定)
  • 可安排延遲退房,但需額外支付 USD100 (視乎供應情況而定)
  • 客房清潔服務另收附加費;或按入住天數計算


  • 可提供摺床,但需額外支付每晚 USD50.0


  • 有蓋停車場自助泊車的收費為每晚 USD18,可多次進出

泳池、SPA 及健身室 (如適用)

  • 按摩服務和SPA 療程需預約,請於抵達前聯絡住宿以便事先安排,住宿電話號碼請參閱預訂確認


入住時使用的信用卡 (以備雜費之用) 之持卡人姓名,必須是主要訂房人。
州立稅務編號 - TA & GE # 025-192-0384-01
住宿登記編號 025-192-0384-01


Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana
Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana Condo
Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana Condo Lahaina
Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana Lahaina
Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana Condo Lahaina
Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana Condo
Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana Lahaina
Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana
Lahaina Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana Condo
Condo Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana
Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana Lahaina
Ocean View Suite Royal Kahana
Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana Condo Lahaina
Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana Condo
Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana Lahaina
Ocean Suite At Royal Kahana
Ocean Suite At Royal Kahana
Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana Lahaina
Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana Aparthotel
Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana Aparthotel Lahaina







是的。自助泊車費用為每晚 USD18。


登記入住開始時間:16:00;登記入住結束時間:任何時間。提早入住收取 USD50.00 附加費 (因應供應情況而定)。退房時間為 10:00。延遲退房收取 USD100 附加費 (因應供應情況而定)。住宿可提供特快登記入住與退房服務,亦設零接觸登記入住與退房服務。


於溫暖的月份,歡迎暢玩浮潛等活動。附近其他休閒康樂節目包括生態遊、攝位車租借/遊覽及狩獵。你可在室外泳池中痛快暢泳,又或充分善用服務式住宅的其他設施/服務,當中包括私人泳池及健身中心等。皇家卡納海景套房酒店亦備有SPA 服務、野餐區及花園。






從皇家卡納海景套房酒店出發,短短 6 分鐘步程可到Kahana Beach,16 分鐘步程即達卡奧帕拉海灘。

Ocean View Suite at Royal Kahana的評價













10/10 完美

Everything you need for a great vacation. Clean, well taken care of room in a great location. Ocean views and easy access to everything. Washer/ dryer and a stocked kitchen made this trip very easy.
michael (8 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Great stay
It was great. Pros: Pretty view, nice size place, balcony, pool, gas, convenience store and McDonald’s close by Cons: Difficult to communicate with host after hours, AC and hot water didn’t work at first, FAR FROM AIRPORT IT IS 45min-1 hour from OGG, depending on the apt you get, the key must be picked up at a different location before going to the place you booked (quite inconvenient though the place wasn’t far)
Kafayat (4 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Excellent condo customer service at front desk, very clean unit, quiet environment, peaceful scenery, convenient washer/dryer and kitchen well service. Overall, it’s a great experience for my first time in Maui.
Jenny (3 晚行程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Could be better
This was quite expensive in relation to quality, possibly because we visited at peak season and it was in an expensive area of Maui. The photo shown for the condo was totally inaccurate. The photo implies that the condo property has an easily approached white sand beach. Actually, it had a pool area that was separated from the ocean by large sandbags that provided no ocean access. Little things were awkward. The check-in and check-out involved going offsite because the condo rental was arranged by the condo owner rather than by a condo office in the building. The vacuum cleaner and other stuff in the closet made it difficult to store luggage. The warning of a large cleaning fine for cooking fish, onions, garlic, curry or other things that would leave a lingering smell discouraged us from cooking dinners.
3 晚行程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Ronald (2 晚行程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

The properties had those little extras. Boogie boards and beach umbrella as well as beach chairs.
Sean (5 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

The best thing about this property is the view! This property was perfect for our needs, however it was a little dated. That being said, it was clean and we enjoyed sitting on the deck and watching the view every chance we had. The property concierge was very helpful and the rental management company was very accessible as well.
Carol (4 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

The room was nice enough, but they had a definite roach problem. When I contacted the management company they came and placed roach motels. The normal building pest control came that same week, but we had multiple roaches each day
5 晚友伴旅程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Très beau petit condo. Dormir au son des vagues. Très agréable.
Sébastien (4 晚浪漫旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Outstanding Sunsets
The ocean front view was outstanding! We could watch the sunset every night from the comfort of our own bed. The staff was so nice, and made everything so easy! It’s in a great location of town which made for a great environment.
Davidalin (4 晚浪漫旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

4/10 一般

Roaches painting outdated amenities dirty....for price bad!!!
5 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Breathtaking Lanai
Our studio condo was a fine retreat. Comfortable. Not noisy. Could use some updating compared to others we saw. Big, comfy king bed. Everything we needed. But the lanai and view of Molokai was mesmerizing. We spent a lot of time chilling out and watching sunsets and whales. Great spot. Convenient. Lovely stay.
7 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Nice condo, close to water
Beach is unfortunately eroded. Thru no fault of condo owner; mother nature in charge there! Accessable beaches close by though. I would recommend this condo to others.
Doug (7 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Gorgeous Ocean view from the room/balcony. I loved that there was a small kitchen area in the studio. The pool was literally steps away from the beach!!!
Betty (7 晚家庭旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Maui at Ocean View
This was an amazing vacation. The Royal Kahana was perfect for a comfortable, clean and awesome stay. We booked through Maui Beach Ocean View Rentals. Mahalo to Tanaz for her reservation. We'll certainly return here.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Hotel was fine. Room is very 'dated"
Inconvenient to get room key from owner of condo- especially when coming in the middle of the night. The owners were very attentive to making sure we had driving directions and were prepared to accept our "condo" when we arrived. Assess to our room was good. Parking is tight but typical of Maui. The room provided a lot of linens, There was no coffee or cream available unless you go and buy it so be prepared as the coffee maker is there but not the supplies. The kitchenette is small, outdated, but has plenty of cooking supplies. Lighting in the room is awful so if needing to work on a computer or to read a book it is a challenge. We enjoyed our stay though.
Orbitz 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Comfortable condo, beautiful view
The room was comfortable and the ocean view lovely. Lots of whale activity visible from the lanai! The only down side was the VERY noisy garbage trucks that appeared several mornings around 8:00 a.m. during our one-week stay. Because of the unit's proximity to the street and location of dumpsters, this would make it difficult for anyone wanting to sleep in or enjoy a quiet, peaceful morning coffee on the lanai. Other than that, though, this was a very comfortable home away from home.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

4/10 一般

Nice area, wrong room!
We had friends in two other rooms, one small like ours and the others in a suite. both of them were updated and ours WAS NOT! no amenities for going to the beach, IE: beach chairs, cooler...Etc. and the beach at the hotel was washed out so we had to rent stuff to take somewhere else while those things were available in our friends rooms. Base boards were gross, bathroom windows didn't work, slider took two hands and full strength to open and close. Lousy room
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Cold in Kahana
I was very disappointed with this rental, not because there was really anything wrong with the suite, but because after we were required to pay in full up front, we received a daunting document listing everything we weren't allowed to do and we had to sign to agree or forfeit our money. This should have been presented prior to payment so that we had a choice to disagree. We are kind, clean and considerate renters and we were made to feel like criminals. When we checked in to the room, the binder that would normally outline amenities and attractions was a reiteration of all of the condo bylaws. There was nothing welcoming about this. The room was decent and clean, but could use some updating. The view from the balcony was breath-taking but obstructed by a 'No-smoking' sign front and centre. And lastly, we had to pick up the keys from a secondary location and then drop them off there as well. We are the customer, and it would have been nice to leave the keys in the room (since we had not rented a car). Perhaps these owners have had some bad tenants, but I felt that they shouldn't just assume that everyone is going to be. In email correspondence the property manager was very courteous.
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Nice, quiet week...
I was there to compete in the Xterra Triathlon world championship race that took place 3 miles up the road in Kapalua. The room was spacious for one person, nice ocean view, and quiet except for the sound of the waves on the beach. Full washer/dryer was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed my stay and would return again.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Nice condo for secluded vacation
It was a pleasant stay with a BEATIFUL view. Since it was a condo it had all the useful amenities - FULL Wi-Fi ( a big plus), kitchen supplies for cooking, SCISSORS!, beach towels. However the room had an odor to it mainly from couch and seat cushions. Opening the balcony door and spraying with glade helped alittle. We couldn't get the washer to work (might be because we didn't know how to operate it?), it was more difficult than it needed to be. Dryer took a bit of time to dry than normal. The surrounding area was very much resort. Not too many good places to eat.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

2/10 欠佳

Unclean rooms!
The room needs extensive cleaning especially the carpet and curtains. We chose this hotel to get our laundries done and change from restaurant food to self cooked food after staying 8 days visiting 3 of the Islands. But the washing machine was not good and the kitchen materials are unattractive that we end up only cooking breakfast the last day of our stay (which got us a $50 penalty for checking out 1 hour late.) It was our 5th hotel in 10 days and it was our worst choice.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Great place
I would stay here again no question!
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Självhushåll med havsutsikt
Hotell Royal Kahana är ett stort hotell med dels vanliga hotellrum, dels rum som ägs och hyrs ut av privatpersoner. Det här är det sistnämnda, vilket innebär väldigt begränsad service från hotellet. Det var inga problem att nyttja parkering, pool, grillar vid poolområdet och hotellets trädgård men det låsta cykelförrådet i källaren (som jag verkligen hade haft användning av) ingår inte och det ingår inte heller någon städning, bäddning, handduksbyte etc under vistelsen. Det mesta en behöver finns på rummet. AC, fläkt, tvättmaskin, torktumlare, strykbräda, mikro, litet kök, bra Wi-Fi, en bekväm säng och en balkong med jättefin havsutsikt. Lugnt och tyst läge, vet inte om det berodde på att vi hade bra grannar eller inga grannar, men störda blev vi i alla fall aldrig. Kvinnan som vi hyrde rummet av var otroligt serviceinriktad och hjälpsam. Ringde och kollade läget med oss när vi precis hade kommit dit och svarade snabbt på de frågor jag skickade via mail till henne. Hon var väldigt mån om att vi skulle ha det bra och löste bl.a. problemet med cykelförvaringen så snabbt hon kunde.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Good value; beautiful view
Older propery, but clean with gorgeous oceanfront view.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價