MirabileCondoDwntown MIA Brickell w PRKG位置優越,步行 5 分鐘即達海濱公園及邁阿密市中心購物區。在室內泳池暢玩一番後,你可到訪店內咖啡店/咖啡室大快朵頤,又或去酒吧/酒廊小酌一杯。此住宿的公寓附設廚房及洗衣機/乾衣機等便利設施,另有特厚豪華床墊及梳化床。住宿與公共交通站點相距不遠,第一街捷運站及大學 - 灣畔單軌電車站均僅在數步之外。
MirabileCondoDwntown MIA Brickell w PRKG位置優越,步行 5 分鐘即達海濱公園及邁阿密市中心購物區。在室內泳池暢玩一番後,你可到訪店內咖啡店/咖啡室大快朵頤,又或去酒吧/酒廊小酌一杯。此住宿的公寓附設廚房及洗衣機/乾衣機等便利設施,另有特厚豪華床墊及梳化床。住宿與公共交通站點相距不遠,第一街捷運站及大學 - 灣畔單軌電車站均僅在數步之外。
We were unable to stay at this property and the person at the door would not us in. The person I spoke to by phone insisted someone(unidentified) sent me an email saying there was no vacancy. There was no email and I prepaid for two nights. We had to find another place at 1:30 am. Glad we had rented a car.