This hotel is a nice property, located on a very quiet side-street. It is within easy walking distance, (about 4 minutes) to a large shopping mall, which is also the closest parking area to the hotel, which has no parking, but does have an area out front (on a very quiet side street) to pull up and unload luggage and get checked in. Then, because of the way the streets are in Oxford, you have a 5 to 15 minute drive (depending on traffic, which always seems heavy) to get to the shopping centre underground parkade. The walk back is less than 5 mins on quiet side streets with a couple of pubs on them.
I think the hotel should have an arrangement with the parkade management for a discounted parking cost for its customers. The parkade is attrociously expensive.
The entertainment district starts just beyond the shopping mall, so it's a very easy walk to get to the area where the bulk of the bars, pubs, and restaurants are.