海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式

4.5 星級住宿

El Beso Adults Only at Ocean Coral & Turquesa - All Inclusive



海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式相片集

身處海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式,你可到訪私人海灘,享用太陽傘、海灘按摩及排球等設施,且 5 分鐘車程即達莫雷洛斯海灘。旅客可在室外泳池痛快玩水;而如果你想好好慰勞自己,還可盡情享受按摩、體膜護理及芳香療法服務。Blue Moon是店內 10 間餐廳之一,主打法國菜,晚餐時段營業。此奢華住宿的特色設施還包括 3 間酒吧/酒廊、池畔酒吧及健身俱樂部。旅客都很喜歡住宿的泳池及熱心員工。


8.0 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 泳池
  • SPA
  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧
  • 非吸煙
  • 洗衣設施

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日清潔服務
  • 位處海灘
  • 10 間餐廳及 3 間酒吧/酒廊
  • 全方位 SPA
  • 室外泳池
  • 健身俱樂部
  • 室外網球場
  • 太陽傘
  • 海灘躺椅
  • 沙灘巾
  • 熱水浴缸
  • 池畔酒吧

感覺賓至如歸 (6)

  • 私人浴室
  • 電視
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 每日清潔服務
  • 洗衣設備
現價 HK$2,193
合共 HK$2,219
4 月 8 日 - 4 月 9 日


正在顯示 2 種房型 (共 2 種)

Junior Suite Beso Ocean View


LCD 電視
  • 5 平方米
  • 海洋景
  • 可容納 3 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張特大雙人床

Junior Suite Beso Garden View


LCD 電視
  • 52 平方米
  • 可容納 3 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張特大雙人床


Mod logo


S.S. 12, Mza. 15, Lote 1-02, 103, Predio María Irene, Puerto Morelos, QROO, 77511


  • 彼譚皮治灣 - 17 分鐘路程 - 1.4 公里
  • 莫雷洛斯海灘 - 19 分鐘路程 - 1.7 公里
  • Crococun動物園 - 5 分鐘車程 - 3.1 公里
  • 莫雷洛斯港市廣場 - 9 分鐘車程 - 5.1 公里
  • 奧霍德阿瓜海灘 - 12 分鐘車程 - 4.7 公里


  • 科蘇梅爾國際機場 (CZM) - 42 公里/26.1 英里
  • 坎昆國際機場 (CUN) - 21 分鐘車程;23.7 公里/14.7 英里


  • ‪Market Cafe - ‬8 分鐘路程
  • ‪The Kitchen Table - ‬15 分鐘路程
  • ‪Bordeaux Restaurant - ‬3 分鐘車程
  • ‪Sports Bar - ‬19 分鐘路程
  • ‪Sensai - ‬8 分鐘路程


海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式

身處海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式,你可到訪私人海灘,享用太陽傘、海灘按摩及排球等設施,且 5 分鐘車程即達莫雷洛斯海灘。旅客可在室外泳池痛快玩水;而如果你想好好慰勞自己,還可盡情享受按摩、體膜護理及芳香療法服務。Blue Moon是店內 10 間餐廳之一,主打法國菜,晚餐時段營業。此奢華住宿的特色設施還包括 3 間酒吧/酒廊、池畔酒吧及健身俱樂部。旅客都很喜歡住宿的泳池及熱心員工。


此住宿是全方位服務住宿。房價已包括店內的餐飲 (可能設某些限制)。




房內迷你吧 (包所有飲品)





    • 80 間客房


    • 登記入住開始時間:15:00;登記入住結束時間:5:30
    • 特快登記入住/退房
    • 最低登記入住年齡 - 18 歲
    • 退房時間為 12:00
    • 零接觸退房服務


    • 住宿前台職員將親自迎接旅客到埗
    • 這間僅限成人入住的住宿位於合家歡度假村內;公共區域和部分設施須與度假村旅客共享。旅客可使用整個度假村內的設施與服務。


    • 需以信用卡、扣帳卡或現金按金繳付雜費
    • 或須提供由政府發出且附有照片之身份證明文件
    • 住客必須為 18 歲或以上
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 不准寵物進入


    • 免費 Wi-Fi 服務 (公用地方)
    • 免費客房 Wi-Fi (速度:50 Mbps 或以上)


    • 店內免費提供自助泊車服務
    • 店內設有輪椅通行的車位


    • 禁煙住宿
    • 只招待成人



  • 10 間餐廳
  • 3 間酒吧/酒廊
  • 池畔酒吧
  • 咖啡室
  • 私人用餐
  • 客房送餐服務 (部分時段)
  • 小食店
  • 水機


  • 位處海灘
  • 網球
  • 健美操班
  • 沙灘排球
  • 籃球
  • 附近有高爾夫球班


  • 商務中心
  • 會議室
  • 會議場地


  • 24 小時接待處
  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅行團諮詢/購票服務
  • 洗衣設備
  • 髮廊
  • 行李寄存
  • 海灘躺椅
  • 沙灘巾
  • 太陽傘
  • 泳池躺椅
  • 泳池傘


  • 自動櫃員機/銀行服務
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 健身俱樂部
  • 室外泳池
  • 單車車位
  • 全方位 SPA
  • 熱水浴缸
  • 室外網球場
  • 按摩/療程室
  • 至少 80% 有機食品
  • 純素餐飲選擇
  • 素食餐飲選擇
  • 本地導賞團及活動
  • 本地藝術家作品展示
  • 至少 80% LED 照明
  • 完善廚餘政策
  • 完善回收政策


  • 升降機
  • 無障礙泊車設施



  • 50 吋LCD 電視
  • 有線電視頻道


  • 空調
  • 迷你吧


  • 提供床單


  • 私人浴室
  • 雨淋花灑
  • 淋浴設備
  • 風筒
  • 毛巾


  • 書桌
  • 免費 Wi-Fi (速度為 50 Mbps 或以上)
  • 電話


  • 每日清潔服務
  • 房內夾萬
  • 提供環保清潔產品
  • 節能開關
  • 僅提供慳水淋浴設備
  • 僅提供慳水馬桶



Despacio, con cargo extra設有 6 間護理室,包括雙人護理室。沙灘及 SPA 提供按摩服務,其他服務項目包括面部療程、體膜護理及身體磨砂。住宿提供各式護理療程,其中包括芳香療法及水療。SPA 天天開放。


Blue Moon - 此小餐館為你提供法國菜,並只供應晚餐。
Hacienda Los Girasoles - 此餐廳專門提供墨西哥菜,並僅供應晚餐。天天營業。
Ritratto D'Italia - 這餐廳為你提供意大利菜,並只供應晚餐)。天天營業。
Sensai - 這主題餐廳為你提供日本菜,並只供應晚餐。天天營業。
Route 66 - 這餐廳為你提供美國菜,並只供應晚餐。天天營業。



  • 本市徵收以下稅項:每間住宿每晚 USD3.4

泳池、SPA 及健身室 (如適用)

  • 按摩服務和SPA 療程需預約,請於抵達前聯絡住宿以便事先安排,住宿電話號碼請參閱預訂確認


入住時使用的信用卡 (以備雜費之用) 之持卡人姓名,必須是主要訂房人。
於相同住宿地點/住宿日期超過 8 間客房的團體預訂可能有特別的取消政策或收費。
接受以下信用卡:Visa、Mastercard、American Express


Ocean Turquesa All Inclusive Puerto Morelos
Privilege Ocean Coral Turquesa All Inclusive Puerto Morelos
Privilege Ocean Coral Turquesa All Inclusive
Privilege Ocean Coral Turquesa Puerto Morelos
Privilege Ocean Coral Turques
Ocean Coral Turquesa El Beso Adults Only All Inclusive
El Beso Adults Only at Ocean Coral Turquesa All Inclusive


我可否免費取消海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式的預訂,並獲發全額退款?

可以。海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式在我們網站上有提供可全額退款的房價計劃。如以可全額退款的房價訂房,你可因應住宿的取消預訂政策,最遲於登記入住前幾日取消預訂即可。有關具體條款及細則,請務必參閱此住宿的取消預訂政策。

海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式是否設有泳池?


海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式是否允許寵物入住?


海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式是否設有店內泊車位?


海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式的登記入住及退房時間為何?

登記入住開始時間:15:00;登記入住結束時間:5:30。退房時間為 12:00。住宿可提供特快登記入住與退房服務,亦設零接觸退房服務。

海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式店內與附近有什麼好玩?

你可享受排球等店內活動的樂趣,並到網球場精進球技。店內其他休閒康樂節目包括健身班、籃球及排球。你可享用 SPA 服務,於熱水浴缸中療癒五感。海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式亦備有3 間酒吧、室外泳池、健身俱樂部、SPA 服務及花園。

海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式內或附近是否設有餐廳?

是的,店內有 10 間餐廳,坐擁法國菜。

海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式附近區域有何特色?

從海洋珊瑚綠松石艾貝索 - 只招待成人/全包式出發,短短 19 分鐘步程可到莫雷洛斯海灘,8 分鐘步程即達莫雷洛斯港礁國家公園。

El Beso Adults Only at Ocean Coral & Turquesa - All Inclusive的評價















10/10 完美

Anniversary at El Beso
My boyfriend and I celebrated our first anniversary at this amazing adults-only property, and it was an unforgettable experience. From the moment we arrived, we were greeted by Monica at the front desk, who welcomed us with incredible news—we were upgraded to a Presidential Suite with an oceanfront view and a jacuzzi on the terrace, all thanks to Expedia! Monica’s warm service set the perfect tone for our stay. Dining at Los Girasoles was a highlight, where Victor took great care of us and ensured we had an exceptional meal. While we didn’t swim this time, we stopped by the pool bar where Jazmin Picazo and Juan Ventura made us the best mojito we’ve ever had at an all-inclusive resort—the Mojito Caribeño is a must! Our room was spacious and beautiful, with breathtaking views from the terrace. The resort’s layout made everything easily walkable, which we loved. We especially enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere in the El Beso building, with no kids to disrupt the calm. This stay was truly special, and we can’t wait to return and explore even more of the resort’s offerings and flavors we didn’t have time to try. We highly recommend this property to anyone looking for a relaxing, luxurious getaway!
Oswaldo (1 晚行程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

This was our second time at this resort. It did not disappoint. We just love it. We recommend it to our friends and family. Just a great overall place. Staff is amazing. Food. We participated in a few activities had a blast we will be ba k soon
Roger (4 晚行程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

One of the best resorts I have stayed in. Staff was generally nice and soft spoken. My fiance can’t eat anything other than vegetarian and he is allergic to eggs so resort made sure he has some options to choose from in every meal and they were going above and beyond to cook something exceptional for him every time if he has issues with it. I would really recommend everybody to book this resort 10/10 😊
Ramandeep (5 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

We were situated in the El Beso (adults only) section of the resort so it was pretty quiet, which was great. A lot of the resort was being renovated whilst we were there. It was good to see that things were being brought up to date. Our room was newly renovated and was lovely. The construction workers were respectful of the guests and never got in the way. The restaurants were amazing, especially the Blue Moon. Five courses and all delicious and beautifully presented. We tried all of the restaurants and they were all extremely good. The buffet was also very good with many choices. All the staff we encountered everywhere on the resort were friendly and helpful. The beach was our favourite place and although there was a lot of seaweed, the beach patrol staff worked extremely hard in clearing it and did a great job. The El Beso pool was often very crowded and the sun loungers, although plentiful, were usually all taken. Guests put their towels out very early in the day leave them there all day. There is a sign saying towels and belongings left unattended would be removed after an hour but it doesn't seem to be enforced. Also, the sun loungers are very, very close together. This is my only criticism of the resort. All of the pools are beautiful though. The evening entertainment was okay but nothing special.
Christine Ann (9 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

4/10 一般

Whoever will be planning to book this resort, please READ THE REVIEWS first. So we’ve been to this resort once, 3 years ago and it was nice, that’s why I decided to book it again, despite not so good reviews that people had been posting lately. For sure we will not come back there. Issue after issue…I cut my foot in a pool, because tiles were broken and there were sharp edges from it. I don’t understand. Nobody ever checks this pool? Not to say there were so much sand and small stones in it. Another bad thing - if you an early bird and let’s say you need to take a shower at 7am - forget about hot water and about water in a shower during the night. They literally turn off the water, and when I called reception and asked why we don’t have water, they said “we will send someone to check it”. Excuse me??? At 1am at night? They are simply turning it off. Same with AC, we turned it to the lowest temperature possible and it was still hot in the room. When asked, they said same thing “we will send someone to check it”. Never happened. And honestly food wasn’t the best and drinks - water and sugar. Also, they don’t have a good entertainment (this is not my first time in Mexico and I can tell you, there are resorts that have great entertainment!). Nothing really here. We also had situation with our excursion - they rescheduled it 3 times! All this to say, we do not recommend this resort. Save your money and book something a little more expensive but with better service and quality.
Iryna (8 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Eduardo at pool bar was best bartender south of Cancun!
Kenneth Jason (7 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Wonderful stay! We were upgraded to an ocean view Privilege room that was clean and spacious. Food and drink options were plentiful. The activities staff worked tirelessly around the pool during the day and again for each nights themed entertainment. A special shout out to Ilda who works the lobby bar. She kept the drinks flowing and was so friendly and personable. Halloween was a blast with staff in costumes and the party going late. Thank you for a fabulous stay.
Melissa (6 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Brian S (7 晚行程)
Travelocity 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Agradezco mucho haber podido ir de vacaciones un lugar muy lindo y agradable con un servicio excelente. Muchas gracias a Enrique y Ximena de atención al huésped por ayudarnos en todo moment, hicieron una labor excepcional
EUNICE (1 晚家庭旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Mi estancia fue excelente , la habitación muy bonita y la atención del personal fantástico , gracias Enrique, Ximena y Estrella por estar pendiente de mi estancia y hacerla más agradable.
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

Heather (8 晚友伴旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Overall our stay was wonderful. With the exception of the roads to the resort (which were awful to say the least.) And that every time we would be relaxing in the pool employees from the property would come over and interrupt our time and ask us to book excursions and such with them, all of our excursions were booked with/through Expedia. The only other thing I didn’t like was the up charge on certain things within the resort, such as dinner at Oriental Sensai where certain drinks were additional money on top, I thought ALL INCLUSIVE meant EVERYTHING was included.
Rylee (7 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Enma (4 晚家庭旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Muy buen hotel con un servicio excelente! La vista que tiene el hotel es hermosa, todas las mañanas viendo el mar y no se diga la gente que trabaja ahí, todos muy amables
JOSE (1 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

I enjoyed my stay here. It was fun and relaxing. I did, however, lose jewelry. I reached out and they said they haven’t seen it in our room and the shower drain took a little while to drain all the water. Other than these two complaints, my spouse and I enjoyed our stay.
Arun (3 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

mark (4 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

We had so much fun and enjoyed our stay. From the service to the food everything was above our expectations. Definitely will be visiting back again real soon (;
Stephanie (4 晚家庭旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

the property was nice the food was good, the one thing that really made me mad was how they treat the animals they have on the property. They are starving the animals there 3 of the workers told us that they were told not to feed the cats and animals and they are very boney and if it was not for the people coming to the resort they would not be feed. This is cruel to the animals and some of them are starved. All the food that they throw away at the resort would feed these animals no problem. If you do not want them there then you need to have a shelter come and get them instead of being cruel and in human
Travelocity 真實旅客評價

2/10 欠佳

oluseye (1 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Nice property and a fun experience. A/C absolutely needs upgrading. Staff could not repair. Made for a somewhat uncomfortable stay but otherwise a nice option. I might look elsewhere due to the a/c issue.
Geno (8 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

For all the good things, the bad out weighs it putting this at 2.5 stars. On the good side the majority of the place was clean and tidy expect for the construction. The construction never bothered me and the kept most of it out of site so Kudos to the property for that. The main lobby area was great. The bar served great martinis and seemed to be a favorite hang out spot after the evening shows. Our room was very nice and spacious accept we requested a King bed and received 2 doubles. That was a little of a pain but not crucial. The door to the toilet area was cramped which was a little weird and a poor design. Thankfully we didn't have any AC issues as I've seen from other reviews so they may have remedied that before we got there. NOW, for the bad. When you book an all inclusive you would hope for decent to good food. Not one place we went too was any good at all. The only thing I found remotely edible was the burgers and maybe the roast beef sandwich out of the Bistro. The food was so bad that on occasion we could only try a couple bites and had to leave to see if we could find something else. That happened a lot. During our big evening event with all of friends, we showed up 5 minutes late, received our drinks, meal and desert, finished, and the group we were with at another table didn't even get drinks yet. Highly disappointed in the service and food. The breakfast buffet, which is hard to mess up, was terrible. Fix the dining issues and staff, 4.0 rank
Michael (3 晚友伴旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Fue una experiencia muy buena conocer este hotel, todo estuvo muy bien con sus por menores; albercas, comida, cuartos y actividades, variedad de restaurantes etc. todo muy bien , variedad en comida . Lo único que como arquitecta yo critico es el proyecto rebuscado , por lo menos en la zona del beso hay un bloque de me parece siete secciones de edificio con dos salidas por la parte de enfrente y las pedidas bajo reglamento de construcción por atrás . De tal manera que era todo un laberinto salir a la alberca o zona de restaurantes . Pero eso fue error del dueño que permitió que así fuera el proyecto. Otra cosa los cuartos pudiendo tener una vista espectacular al mar no la tiene por la jungla que pusieron enfrente motivo también por el cual solo existen las dos salidas que menciono, también desgraciadamente por la geografía la playa es sumamente pequeña y llena de sargazo Eso nada tiene que ver con lo sorpréndentemente bien que me la pase en tan buen hotel
MARIA LUISA (4 晚友伴旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

No tuvieron la amenidad de aniversario lista, tuve que esperar a después de la cena, los servicios bien y falta calidad en estándares,
2 晚行程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

John E (5 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

4/10 一般

Multiple rooms of our guest we envited did not have a/c and they would just bring us fans and say thats the best they could do
Fabean (3 晚家庭旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價