6/10 不錯
令人不愉快的住宿經驗 Disappointed
Far from downtown and will be a little dark when back to hotel at night. Room was spacious but ventilation system in shower room didn't work at all. Breakfast was good, but there's a big problem with hairdryer lendding.
雖然峇里島很多飯店不提供吹風機,但是他們處理問題能力非常差!從下午就跟櫃檯人員說我們需要吹風機,他們說可能一個小時之後才會有,因為其他人在用,所以我們先出去吃晚餐。晚上十點多回到飯店跟櫃檯人員說需要吹風機,他們卻說一直都有人在用,可能要明天早上才能有吹風機??我請他們幫我問其他房客如果用完了可不可以給我們用,他們說好如果拿到了再給我們。結果過了半個小時打電話到櫃檯,櫃檯人員說已經快借到了。五分鐘後櫃檯致電說因為今天下午check out的客人把吹風機帶走了,所以他們沒有了(吹風機只有兩台)覺得飯店有16間房間,但卻只有兩個吹風機也太誇張!而且剛剛講這麼多根本就在騙人,沒有了就沒有了為什麼不講清楚!所以也不知道什麼才是真相。由此可見他們並不想幫客人處理問題,而且謊話連篇!房間插座是凹進去的,插頭要夠長才能插進去。總體來說是個非常可怕的經驗!床上還有大螞蟻的屍體,浴室抽風系統等於沒有。如果不需要吹頭髮的人可以安心訂房。
The hotel staff lied to us many times about "hairdryer all occupied and you have to wait",and then finally told us 5 hours later that their only 2 hairdryers in a whole hotel was taken away by the check-out customer this morning!! So I can't afford that why this reply waste me that much time! Not to mention about they told us to wait until 7 am and appeared nothing at that time!
This shows the abilities of solving problem of the whole hotel's staff is terrible, and they're really helpless.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價