After confirmed the booking and payment through Expedia, Airhostel sent us a private email mentioned that it’s fully booked and wanted us to cancel booking. As we think that’s unfair,so we contacted Expedia and after lots of phone conversations,we first got offered to a hostel nearby provided by Air Hostel,but none of the hostel details can be provided,we tried to google the hostel and couldn’t find any article/website/photo,so we’ve refused this offer.Expedia then offered us another hostel and we’ve confirmed on the morning.We thought that's it, but then Expedia called us again in the afternoon, told us AirHostel suddenly said room is available.Even we don’t trust Air Hostel anymore, we’re not allowed to reject as it's our primary choice.
We arrived Seoul in the morning and stored our suitcases at AirHostel and went back to check-in at 15:30,BY THAT TIME the staff said they couldn't provide us a room due to the pipe nonfunctional problem.(WOULD U BELIEVE?)But we're tired to argue again, so we agreed to move to another hostel even no transportation would be provided, as we just wanted to settle asap.But this rubbish hostel requested us to cancel booking with Expedia again, before settle us with the new hostel(they weren’t planning to go to the new hostel with us and not feeling sorry).It's unreasonable!We argued with the staff and finally got a room from AirHostel, after wasted nearly1.5hour.Our joyful mood was destroyed by this stupid hostel.We will NEVER choose Air Hostel!