Where is Gavno Klosterkirke?
Naestved is home to Gavno Klosterkirke. You can easily spend a leisurely day seeing the sights and exploring what the area has to offer. If you're looking for things to do in the area, you might want to stop in and see Skulptur I Granit and Gavno Palace.
Things to see and do near Gavno Klosterkirke
What to see near Gavno Klosterkirke
- Gavno Palace
- Gavno Slotspark
- Enø strand
- Gronnegades Kaserne Kulturcenter
- Herlufsholm Kirke
Things to do near Gavno Klosterkirke
- Skulptur I Granit
- Kludekogeren
- Naestved Museum
- Naestved Legeland
- Køng museum