Terminal 21 Grande Centre Point 酒店配備免費兒童俱樂部,距離Terminal 21 購物中心僅數步之遙。你可去店內餐廳大快朵頤,然後到訪 SPA,享受按摩、身體磨砂或身體療程服務。此奢華酒店配備室外泳池及池畔酒吧,房內附設雪櫃及微波爐等便利設施。住宿鄰近公共交通站點,BTS 阿索克站在 3 分鐘路程外,素坤逸站則在 5 分鐘路程外;而其觀光特色亦深受旅客喜愛。
Terminal 21 Grande Centre Point 酒店配備免費兒童俱樂部,距離Terminal 21 購物中心僅數步之遙。你可去店內餐廳大快朵頤,然後到訪 SPA,享受按摩、身體磨砂或身體療程服務。此奢華酒店配備室外泳池及池畔酒吧,房內附設雪櫃及微波爐等便利設施。住宿鄰近公共交通站點,BTS 阿索克站在 3 分鐘路程外,素坤逸站則在 5 分鐘路程外;而其觀光特色亦深受旅客喜愛。
免費的mini bar 東西也縮水了,酒店省下小錢,卻會讓老客戶感覺到不是很理想。
CHAO SHUN (9 晚行程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價
4/10 一般
Superb location with very nice and friendly staff. BUT this hotel’s decoration is severely outdated and needs major updates.
The several white chairs in the swimming pool with surface layers peeling off that would hurt the guests’ skin, but the hotel does let this situation continue without any intention to fix.
Using white tiles as the flooring and plain white paints as the wall cover (i.e. no wallpapers) are mind blowing and makes the hotel rooms look like nothing but a budget motel. This is indeed disastrous.