皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人

5.0 星級住宿

Royal Davui Island Resort - Adults Only



皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人相片集

Lagoon Plunge Pool Bungalow with All Meals | 客廳 | IPod 插座
皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人設有私人海灘,讓你在太陽傘下遮蔭乘涼,又或在海灘酒吧輕呷飲品。另外,你亦可在店內暢玩潛水、浮潛及帆船等活動。室外泳池最適合希望玩個痛快的旅客;而如果你想好好慰勞自己,還可盡情享受深層組織按摩、體膜護理及芳香療法服務。Banyan Restaurant主打多國菜,具備海濱用餐區,早餐、午餐及晚餐時段營業。此奢華度假村的特色設施還包括遊艇碼頭、酒吧/酒廊及24 小時健身設備。


9.6 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 餐廳
  • 機場接送
  • 免費早餐
  • 酒吧
  • 泳池
  • 空調

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日清潔服務
  • 位於私人海灘
  • 遊艇碼頭
  • 餐廳及酒吧/酒廊
  • 全方位 SPA
  • 室外泳池
  • 全日開放健身中心
  • 太陽傘
  • 沙灘巾
  • 海灘酒吧
  • 客房送餐服務 (部分時段)
  • 機場接駁車

感覺賓至如歸 (6)

  • 私人浴室
  • 獨立浴缸及淋浴設備
  • 獨立睡房
  • 客廳
  • 花園
  • 露台


正在顯示 3 種房型 (共 3 種)

Lagoon Plunge Pool Bungalow with All Meals


陽台 (附家具)
  • 84 平方米
  • 潟湖景
  • 可容納 2 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張特大雙人床

Sunset Plunge Pool Villa with All Meals


陽台 (附家具)
  • 110 平方米
  • 潟湖景
  • 可容納 2 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張特大雙人床

Island Plunge Pool Bungalow with All Meals


陽台 (附家具)
  • 90 平方米
  • 部分海洋景
  • 可容納 2 人 (按實質預訂人數入住)
  • 1 張特大雙人床


Mod logo


Royal Davui Island, Beqa Island, Royal Davui Island


  • 楠迪國際機場 (NAN) - 157 分鐘車程;140.6 公里/87.4 英里
  • 機場接駁車 (收費)


  • Royal Davui Bar


皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人

皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人設有私人海灘,讓你在太陽傘下遮蔭乘涼,又或在海灘酒吧輕呷飲品。另外,你亦可在店內暢玩潛水、浮潛及帆船等活動。室外泳池最適合希望玩個痛快的旅客;而如果你想好好慰勞自己,還可盡情享受深層組織按摩、體膜護理及芳香療法服務。Banyan Restaurant主打多國菜,具備海濱用餐區,早餐、午餐及晚餐時段營業。此奢華度假村的特色設施還包括遊艇碼頭、酒吧/酒廊及24 小時健身設備。






    • 16 個單位
    • 客房分佈於 1 個樓層


    • 登記入住開始時間:15:00;登記入住結束時間:任何時間
    • 零接觸入住服務
    • 最低登記入住年齡 - 16 歲
    • 退房時間為 10:00
    • 零接觸退房服務


    • 住客必須轉乘飛機和船前往住宿,請於出發前聯絡住宿以作安排 (住宿聯絡資料請參閱預訂確認)
    • 櫃台每日服務時段為 8:00 - 17:00
    • 前台僅於指定時段有職員服務
    • 如有疑問,可聯絡住宿查詢,聯絡資料請參閱預訂確認
    • 住宿僅可乘坐航機、渡輪或直昇機抵達 (費用另計)。飛機和船艇接送服務適用於 2 位旅客或以上;所列必繳接送費用已經涵蓋接送選項。旅客將從楠迪國際機場 (NAN) 出發,乘坐 30 分鐘飛機前往太平洋港,再轉乘 35 分鐘船艇橫越瀉湖。航班每日 09:30 和 15:30 從楠迪國內機場出發。住宿將於預訂後立即以提供的聯絡資料聯絡旅客,安排接送。如果預訂時提供的聯絡資料不準確,或旅客沒有回覆住宿,旅客需要直接聯絡住宿預約接送服務。請旅客提前最少 45 日預訂接送服務,確保有位。特定抵達日期和時間的接送交通服務視乎供應情況而定。如旅客未有按照要求提前聯絡住宿,將不設退款。直升機接送服務視乎天氣和日照時間。使用人數為最少 2 人。直升機接送服務由楠迪機場出發,需時 35 分鐘。費用為每人單程 FJD1,600。出發時間將於出發旅遊前 7 日確認。


    • 需以信用卡、扣帳卡或現金按金繳付雜費
    • 或須提供由政府發出且附有照片之身份證明文件
    • 住客必須為 18 歲或以上
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 16 歲


    • 未提供嬰兒床


    • 不准寵物進入


    • 免費 Wi-Fi 服務 (公用地方)
    • 免費客房 Wi-Fi


    • 機場接駁車服務時間為8:00至17:00*


    • 指定吸煙區
    • 只招待成人



  • 每日 7:00–10:00 供應免費即叫即煮早餐
  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 海灘酒吧
  • 公共區域提供咖啡/茶
  • 私人用餐
  • 私人野餐
  • 客房送餐服務 (部分時段)
  • 小食店
  • 水機


  • 位於私人海灘
  • 划橡皮艇
  • 划獨木舟
  • 帆船活動
  • 乘船遊覽
  • 摩托艇
  • 水上電單車
  • 潛水
  • 浮潛
  • 滑水
  • 釣魚
  • 附近生態遊活動
  • 附近有高爾夫球班
  • 附近有行山/單車徑
  • 附近泛舟活動
  • 附近滑浪活動
  • 附近飛索活動


  • 電腦工作站
  • 會議場地 (10764 平方呎)


  • 接待處服務 (限時)
  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅行團諮詢/購票服務
  • 乾洗/洗衣服務
  • 行李寄存
  • 婚宴服務
  • 多語服務人員
  • 服務員
  • 免費泳池小屋
  • 沙灘巾
  • 太陽傘
  • 泳池躺椅
  • 泳池傘
  • 浪漫套餐服務


  • 櫃台夾萬
  • 花園
  • 野餐區
  • 露台
  • 圖書館
  • 門廊
  • 公共區域電視
  • 24 小時健身中心
  • 室外泳池
  • 電子遊戲室
  • 全方位 SPA
  • 遊艇碼頭
  • 按摩/療程室
  • 至少 80% 本地食材
  • 純素餐飲選擇
  • 素食餐飲選擇
  • 以人道方式處理野生動物
  • 本地導賞團及活動
  • 完善廚餘政策
  • 不提供塑膠汽水樽
  • 不提供塑膠攪拌棒
  • 不提供塑膠飲管
  • 水機
  • 僅提供可重用杯子
  • 僅提供可重用餐具
  • 戶外娛樂區
  • 戶外傢具



  • IPod 插座


  • 恆溫空調
  • 吊扇
  • 迷你吧
  • 咖啡機/沖茶器
  • 浴袍
  • 熨斗/熨衫板 (按要求提供)


  • 防敏寢具
  • 多款枕頭選擇
  • 羽絨被
  • 遮光窗簾/窗簾
  • 開床服務
  • 高級寢具
  • 特厚豪華床墊


  • 私人休憩池
  • 房內按摩服務
  • 陽台連傢具
  • 獨特裝修,獨特設計
  • 獨立客廳


  • 私人浴室
  • 按摩浴缸
  • 獨立浴缸及淋浴設備
  • 名牌梳洗用品
  • 風筒
  • 毛巾


  • 書桌
  • 免費 Wi-Fi


  • 香檳服務
  • 迷你雪櫃
  • 免費樽裝水


  • 每日清潔服務
  • 房內夾萬 (可放手提電腦)
  • 經外側走廊出入
  • 僅提供慳水馬桶



店內 SPA 設有 2 間護理室,某些可供兩人同時使用。服務項目包括深層組織按摩、熱石按摩、運動按摩及面部療程。住宿提供各式護理療程,其中包括芳香療法。SPA 天天開放。


Banyan Restaurant - 這間位於海濱的餐廳為你提供多國菜,並供應早餐、早午餐、午餐及晚餐。住客可於酒吧享用飲品,或露天用餐 (視乎天氣而定)。餐廳提供歡樂時光優惠。



  • 飛機和船接送收費 (每位成人):FJD475 (單程)


  • 機場接送的收費為每位 FJD475 (單程)

泳池、SPA 及健身室 (如適用)

  • 按摩服務和SPA 療程需預約,請於抵達前聯絡住宿以便事先安排,住宿電話號碼請參閱預訂確認


入住時使用的信用卡 (以備雜費之用) 之持卡人姓名,必須是主要訂房人。
接受以下信用卡:Visa、Mastercard、American Express


Royal Davui Island Resort
Royal Davui Island Hotel Royal Davui Island
Royal Davui Island Resort Adults
Royal Davui Island Adults
Royal Davui Island Resort Adults Meal Inclusive
Resort Adults Meal Inclusive
Royal Davui Island Adults Meal Inclusive
Adults Meal Inclusive
Resort Royal Davui Island Resort - Adults Only, Meal Inclusive
Royal Davui Island Resort Adults Only
Royal Davui Island Resort
Royal Davui Royal Davui
Royal Davui Island Resort - Adults Only Resort
Royal Davui Island Resort Adults Only Meal Inclusive
Royal Davui Island Resort - Adults Only Royal Davui Island


我可否免費取消皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人的預訂,並獲發全額退款?

可以。皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人在我們網站上有提供可全額退款的房價計劃。如以可全額退款的房價訂房,你可因應住宿的取消預訂政策,最遲於登記入住前幾日取消預訂即可。有關具體條款及細則,請務必參閱此住宿的取消預訂政策。

皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人是否設有泳池?


皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人是否允許寵物入住?


皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人是否有提供機場接駁車服務?

是的,來回機場接駁車由 8:00 至 17:00 按時間表提供服務。費用為每位單程 FJD475。

皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人的登記入住及退房時間為何?

登記入住開始時間:15:00;登記入住結束時間:任何時間。退房時間為 10:00。住宿可提供零接觸登記入住與退房服務。

皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人店內與附近有什麼好玩?

歡迎暢玩划橡皮艇、帆船及滑水等店內活動。附近其他休閒康樂節目包括生態遊。你可享用 SPA 服務,又或在室外泳池中暢泳一番。皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人亦備有私人海灘、私人休憩池、24 小時健身中心、電子遊戲室、野餐區及花園。

皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人內或附近是否設有餐廳?

是的,Banyan Restaurant坐擁室外用餐區、多國菜及園景。

皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人的客房是否配備私人熱水浴缸?


皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人是否設有戶外私人空間?


皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人附近區域有何特色?

皇家達武伊島度假村 - 僅限成人位於海濱。

Royal Davui Island Resort - Adults Only的評價















8/10 很好

靠近海灘 員工友善熱情的招待
非常好的一次住宿 酒店職員服務態度十分好 舒適的環境以及房間 很值得去 到達酒店及離開酒店時職員都會為旅客唱歌 非常有特式
Karyn (1 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

享受FIJI TIME的最佳地點
服務人員非常用心地記得我們每個人的名字,親切且熱情的服務態度 絕對是蜜月小情侶的首選,彷彿時間停止的斐濟天堂,尤其是無人沙灘的野餐 美景令人難忘
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

My partner and I stayed at the Royal Davui resort for six nights. Upon arrival we were welcomed in song by the staff. After a refreshing welcome drink we were escorted to our villa (one of only 16 on the entire island). Breathtaking doesn't adequately describe our private accommodations which included a living room, which opened onto a large deck overlooking the cerulean blue South Pacific. The deck also included a refreshing plunge pool and chase loungers. The bedroom also overlooked the ocean, as did the soaking tub in the bathroom. Dining included fresh food prepared daily (including daily fresh caught fish) as well as thirst quenching juices, cocktails and a selection of fine wines. We took advantage of one of the two gazebos for private dining one evening. Excursions were memorable including a boat ride to a neighboring island to tour the community and watch a presentation by the local school children. We also enjoyed a sunset cruise with appetizers, champagne and serenade. We will long remember the tour to the private island (a sliver of sugary white sand) for a picnic which included umbrella, chairs, drinks and lunch. All of this added to the experience, but not as much as the beautiful, smiling, friendly staff of the Royal Duvai including Iva, Paula, Matthew and David. If you are a senior looking for peace, relaxation or even a little adventure, I would HIGHLY recommend the Royal Duvai Resort.
Elena (6 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

The only place in Fiji to truly de-stress
Well…from the moment we arrived to the day of departure, the level of service we received was truly first class. We arrived in the late afternoon & was exhausted from all day travelling. Grant (one of the hosts) was so accommodating organising some light refreshments brought to our room. Speaking of the room, I was truly in awe & close to crying from the shear beauty of the very ample bure & the large window which frames perfectly the plunge pool. The room itself & the surrounding vegetation made for incredible privacy without any loss of the ocean view. The bure we stayed in, number 11, was cleverly positioned away from neighboring bures. You could totally go naked without the notion someone was watching. I really felt at peace at the Royal Davui. The resort does not have TVs in the room, which is terrific, as it minimizes any foreign distraction to your stay. Meals are all included, except for alcoholic drinks, & you will not go hungry, I also liked how the resort brings the menus at breakfast for both lunch and dinner. So you would order what you wanted for lunch and dinner at breakfast. The staff were superb, & you would get to know them on a first name basis. Nothing was too much trouble. Overall, no other island resort compares to that of the Royal Davui. Attention to detail in the presentation of meals & service is what sets the resort apart. Put simply, on departure at just after 6am, both hosts Grant & Chris saw us off & you really felt you were leaving family
alexia (9 晚行程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Carol (5 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

6/10 不錯

This property could definitely use updating. For a 5 star resort, had much higher expectations. Felt that more could’ve been offered for the price paid.
heba (6 晚浪漫旅程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Island Paradise
We booked Royal Davui for our 25th wedding anniversary. Two weeks before, however, I broke my ankle which we feared would mess up the whole holiday. Grant was really prompt and clear answering my multitude of questions, and that level of care continued throughout our all our interactions. The transfer to the island was a bit of an adventure when undertaken with accessibility issues, but Chris, Grant,and the team made sure I was safe and quite literally supported me every step of the way. Check in was completed in-room to minimise stress and a cold drink and cold towel were waiting as well. Nor did we miss out on the sung welcome; the first of three times we heard the staff choir and their beautiful harmonies. The included meals were of a very high standard and we were very impressed with the friendliness and care of the staff who delivered our meals to the room. The restaurant experience was also beautiful. We both had massages (which assisted my mobility issues) and my husband was able to fit in a snorkeling adventure, but we mostly just soaked up the gorgeous views and actually had time to talk to each other. The plunge pool on the deck was a real highlight, and the villas are very thoughtfully and tastefully laid out. Chris made it his mission to meet my request for a helicopter out. Highly recommend this, not only for ease of transfer but also the stunning views of the island. Highly recommend, and I hope to return.
Banyan Bar & Restaurant
Royal Davui from air
Villa 4 balcony
Kimberley (7 晚行程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Robert (4 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Amy (5 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

This is a remote property in a tiny island in the middle of nowhere. There are only 16 villas in the property and they mostly cater to couples and honeymooners. The lagoon is just stunning. Staff is friendly
3 晚商務旅程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

7 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Exquisite resort!
Wow! What an amazing place! The location, the staff, the food, the diving, the rooms, all excellent! Truly a 5 star resort. Encompassing all of a 10 acre island, it is extremely private, and quiet. While everyone there was terrific, some stand out employees for or us were Sainiana, Ape, Mac, and La. Hospitality is their specialty! Definitely try some of Macs specialty off menu cocktails! *Somethings to note... is that the food is somewhat limited. The menu is presented in the morning, and you order your lunch and dinner in advance. The resort is set on a small island that requires a decent amount of walking to get around. This is not a place for someone with mobility challenges, as there are many steep walking paths, and stairs.
6 晚行程
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

7 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

8 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Seclusion was the biggest plus of it all. Pretty cool being in paradise a long ways away from the world
5 晚浪漫旅程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Perfect Stay
The island, the villa, the staff, the food .... everything is perfect.
Angel (3 晚浪漫旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Beautiful small, private resort, excellent service, and food. Will be back, tough to beat.
6 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Beautiful Resort But Expensive To Get To
My husband and I enjoyed our stay at Royal Davui. However, I wish I knew the following two things before booking this resort at the non-refundable rate: 1) Potentially high transfer costs. We had no idea that we would incur $1800 USD (~3900 FJD) in additional transfer costs to get to the hotel. There are three "options" to get to the resort from the airport: a) small plane + boat ride (1 hour); b) car + boat ride (3+ hours); or c) a helicopter ride (30 min). Options are in quotation marks because depending on your flight schedule, some of the options are not available. For example, for our 10AM return flight, the resort told us that the only option would be to take the helicopter ride. Make sure to factor in these transfer costs or to factor in the boat/plane schedule when booking your flights. 2) Limited food/snack options. There is an a la carte menu for breakfast and a set menu for lunch and dinner (you choose your dish out of a few options). Outside of these three meals, there is no additional food available - no bar menu, no in room dining menu, nothing. The snacks for purchase were limited to Pringles and Oreos. Overall, I was satisfied with the food but it may not be the best option for picky eaters. Otherwise the resort island is absolutely beautiful and the local staff members are great. The resort is also great for diving and snorkeling. We highly recommend the sand cay picnic experience - it was magical.
Jessica (1 晚浪漫旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價

8/10 很好

Hotel view is very beautiful, very quiet and peaceful, people are very nice, but food not as good as i expect, disappointed.
Elaine (7 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

My wife and I went on our honeymoon to Royal Davui for 9 days and let's just say we were not disappointed with any part of our trip. Once we arrived we were greeted by the resort managers who were friendly and very helpful the entire time there. The entire staff on the island was very nice and friendly, they all knew our names on the first day and would always ask how we were doing or if we needed anything. We especially enjoyed our time with the marine staff as we did a lot of water activities. Jale and Api were my scuba certification instructors and they were amazing and were friendly and accommodating for all the dives we wanted to do. After I got certified my wife wanted to do one last dive and we only had 1 day left. We asked the reception if we could still on our last day and they made sure it could happen. We booked Sand Cay, fishing, and sunset cruise as well and they were all a blast. The rooms have absolutely breathtaking views and if you don't mind the occasional gecko on the walls you will not be disappointed (they are completely harmless and will leave you alone). The food was also amazing, especially the banana bread. They did a great job with a variety of options for meals. It was not just fish, but you certainly could have fish every day. There was usually a steak, chicken, or pork option available if you didn't want the fish. Overall, definitely recommend if you want a quiet relaxing vacation.
Mason (9 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

3 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

5 晚行程
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Private overlooking ocean
Its hard to say anything bad about this place. The staff at this resort are second to none. They do everything and anything to ensure a comfortable stay. The Villa is basically a living room and bedroom/bathroom. Both rooms have glass walls that slide to open air. It's really nice. There is also AC if you prefer to cool things down. The culture of Fijians involves group singing and you will feel the heart of these people in their entertainment. There is plenty of food with three squares a day, dinner and lunch being four course meals. The food is meticulously prepared, using mostly local ingredients. The recipes are regional, original and tasty. You will get a chance too experience Fijian cuisine. There are plenty of activities if you enjoy that. Snorkling just off shore will provide a healthy serving of tropical fish and coral. The water is warm and mostly clear. The grounds are well maintained and tropical. I had a massage at the spa and it was very relaxing. Like I said, It's hard to say anything bad about this place. It helps to go with the mind set that you are in the tropics. This is not Florida or Mexico. The weather is much more variable, which in my opinion contributed to the experience. You also should be prepared for the wildlife. Bats are indigenous to this area. They are kind of like birds to North Americans. Also, the rooms are not air tight, so you may experience a gecko or two on the living room walls when you wake up.
Jon (7 晚行程)
Expedia 真實旅客評價

10/10 完美

Beautiful in every way
Amazingly beautiful were the people and our stay. The rooms were spacious and very private as we were always treated like royalty.
Daniel (2 晚浪漫旅程)
Hotels.com 真實旅客評價